Breaking News Thread

What a fucking disgusting country!


that’s just sick. were the parents called?

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no. Her parents were not called.

It honestly as to be one of the most disturbing stories I can think of.


I’ve noticed the smell of weed on myself and Mrs CDO sometimes after we’ve been walking through town. The odour is easily picked up on clothes when walking near somebody who’s smoking it.

The poor girl. Heads need to roll for this. :rage:


You can’t be too careful though. I recommend you strip search your wife.


Oh really? Well, that explains a lot. :rage: As far as I’m concerned, I’d be very much for stopping these vile fuckers to buy European companies, and thus to fuck over our economies and our collective wellbeing with their dirty tricks.


It doesn’t matter if she stunk of weed or not, there’s no justification for strip searching a teenage girl because you think she might have marijuana on her. That’s an absurd measure to take.


It’s horrific, and another sad story in which the Met police demonstrates itself to be a racist cess pit beyond reform.

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If this had happened to my daughter, it’s no exaggeration to say my wife would have left the school in cuffs and with someone else’s blood on her hands.


Yes, because it’s very typical for companies who don’t break the law to offer shit loads of compensation.

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I’d be more interested in where they have managed to find that money considering the reason they gave for sacking the staff was they were losing £100M year on year

So, just returning to this.

It seems that P&O being able to sack employees on mass without giving prior notification to the UK government (as would normally be required) is because of EU legislation we had to incorporate back in 2018.

That’s also why P&O are able to engage new workers on wages significantly below the UK minimum wage.

So it’s actually only possible because of EU law.


Bet we waste little time in scrubbing this off the statute books.


Someones been on twitter too long. :rofl: :crazy_face:

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If they are now gonna be saving 100m per year they will make that back in no time and then be profitable afterwards,otherwise they would not be giving out that level of compensation.Companies,imo,get away with all types of shit when dealing with employees which the ordinary person would deem immoral but isn’t necessarily illegal or is a grey area.If they are caught breaking they law they should be made to pay above what they are already willing to offer.P & O will say that is what they have done here.They should still be made to compensate more as well as offering these new terms to their recently sacked employees if the recent pay structure/agreements were going to leave the company at a loss.

2 years and counting according to PMQ’s this week. Johnson’s government were warned of this and they promised “a review”. That means nothing will happen.

You may have found the first benefit of Brexit but I’m surprised by the EU having that in place, not without some protections / fall backs etc.

Quite a few of the sacked employees would probably rather the compensation.

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P&O re-employing folk will make things correct, but not right…if that makes sense - can’t undo the damage done.

Any ideas what that compensation might be, or how it would be calculated?

I saw it suggested that they’ve each been offered 18 months’ pay. That would be more than most of them could claim through the courts.

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If it falls under TUPE isn’t it uncapped? Not doubting what you’re saying, obviously! Just interested :slight_smile: