Breaking News Thread

Sheesh. He t-bagged you in Court?!

I know Ms Vardy’s team advised her not to proceed with this but she has pushed on regardless.

so she deserves what she’s getting

I’m currently reading the 4 (FOUR!) judgments there have already been in this case.

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2 times more than the “insert two gif of pep”

Genius Youre Smart GIF by MASTERPIECE | PBS

Yes I Know GIF by Raghav Bansal

with all due respect, you need to stop questioning my greatness.


Would that be called The Chaviest League Final?


I think Vardy’s toast here. Even if the Judge finds that Rooney has not shown that it was Vardy personally who leaked the stories to the Sun (and I think there’s sufficient evidence and also inference that can be drawn from evidence ‘lost’ by Vardy and Watt that indicates she at least authorised their disclosure), she is likely to find that Vardy has suffered no damage to her reputation. Similar to the Grobbelaar trial 30 years ago, she doesn’t have a reputation to be damaged. The matters that have come out due to these proceedings, that Vardy herself initiated, have shown that she does do what Rooney was essentially accusing her of. Namely, she provides private information to The Sun in return for money and/or close ties with journalists and/or furthering her public profile.

The evidence may not be there (perhaps because it’s at the bottom of the North Sea and/or was ‘accidentally’ deleted by Vardy) to show that she leaked the particular stories complained of by Rooney but it is more than apparent that she does betray confidences. As such, even if the fundamental issue goes against Rooney I imagine the Judge will award Vardy nominal damages (ie, £1), and tell both parties to bear their own costs (expected to be at least £1.5m each).

That’s worst case scenario for Rooney. Best case is obviously that Judge Steyn dismisses Vardy’s claim and awards Rooney 70% of her costs (she’s already said she’s not going to be awarding more than that).

I make a point of not paying attention to this stuff, but my understanding was that Colleen set traps in her IG by blocking all her followers except for Vardy and then feeding in false stories about her and Wayne that then appeared in the tabloid press. Pretty savvy and difficult to wriggle out of Id have though. Sure, may not be able to pin it to Vardy personally, but certainly to her account.

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Agree. But a judge has previously ruled that Rooney was saying it was Vardy personally, and that’s what she needs to evidence. I personally think that was wrong but it is why Vardy may win, technically, but lose on the issue of ‘harm’.

social media is a cancerous plague.

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On a far more serious note…



Took a glance and simply confirmed it’s as much of a cesspool as I thought it was.

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Behavior Analyst EXPOSES Amber Heard’s LIES in court - YouTube

This guy is well worth a watch… his analysis not only against Amber Heard but many others also, have a sort of hypnotic effect the way he unfolds stuff we see everyday but have no idea there is meaning behind them :+1:

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Too many warning signs flashing about this video. Firstly, the obviously clickbait title. Secondly, the whole collection of videos which he’s monetising, so the clickbait is necessary for his earnings. Thirdly, none of the whole behavioural analysis bullshit has any foundation in fact.