Breaking News Thread

Ah. But otherwise, all good?

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Didn’t bother watching. In part because this whole fiasco doesn’t interest me at all.

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The six countries who had their jury votes removed are:

San Marino


If only 6 countries had been allowed to cheat, the UK wouldn’t have finished 2nd.

Keating, your bias is showing. Again.

so what we’re saying is, we should be watching Lie To Me more often?

Fvcking hell.


Anyone who defends the current gun laws in the US is a fucking imbecile.


remember, gun laws aren’t the problem. it’s the people who use them. :roll_eyes:

Jim Jeffries having a field day on this one.

I’m not going to remove this, but let’s take it as a reminder that there is a time and a place for sardonic humour and this ain’t it. Unless the UK government manage to somehow make this tragedy worse, which is unlikely, let’s keep criticism of Johnson and Co in the politics thread please.


I’ve always considered that part of the problem with situations like this this is that we have a desire to frame the issue an a spontaneous outbreak of isolated ‘evil’.

It isn’t. In America, it’s an epidemic of sick, lost people exploding in violent rage. There are massive problems with gun laws, and that’s obviously the first place you have to start, but there are also massive problems, with a society that routinely spits out this kind out everyday psychopathy.

7-10 years old, though. That’s basically my kids. Jesus Christ. How the hell do you even carry on when that’s happened to you? I’m so glad I don’t live over in the US, but I can only say that I’d be home schooling if I did. My kids would be no-where near a public school.

This is a conscious choice pushed by the US right going back as far as McVeigh in the early 90s. These are the results of ideas pushed within militaristic right wing movements and so there was a concerted effort to pretend they were lone wolves operating according to ideas we can only guess at so as to not have to make amends for the political messaging driving these people. This was always about politics, but once the lone wolf narrative stuck it is near impossible to shift, despite the wealth of amazing writing and film making done on the issue over the past 10 years or so.

The saddest part of all of this is that with there being a 20 minute gap between @CanuckoLFC and @deneb posts I wasn’t entirely sure they were referencing the same incident.



It’s really incredible that a supposed enlightened society believes that it’s more important to protect the rights of mentally ill people to access guns than it is to protect the rights of innocent people to not be shot by mentally ill people with guns.

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I’m no expert, but wouldn’t arming school teachers give shooters faster access to the violent confrontation they are looking for? How do they know that it wouldn’t make things worse?

It’s not an authentically held position. It’s a rhetorical exercise designed to obfuscate and frustrate just long enough that in the absence of a solution the news cycle moves on. At that point you too can move on to getting in the way of other forms of social progress your financial benefactors want to prevent occurring.


Another day in the US, another mass shooting happens.

Are we supposed to be shocked? Is it not time they finally changed the laws…good lord it’s only been 90 years.

It always seems to be schools or clubs…you’d like to think at the very leas they’d be high level of security.

Never understood the idea that common people living in a communal society need to hold guns and not just any guns, its assault weapons that are being held by common people. I meant no disrespect but what kind of people still insist in their 2nd Amendment rights while seeing these happen? Of course the commercial aspects will come into play but if they do not see the need to start a long journey of banning guns in the hands of common people, then these things will just keep on happening because you can increase security but you cannot defend against random crazies when its so damn easy and legal to get their hands on firepower. And banning guns after a long history of owning guns can be done as Australia has shown isnt it? Even it might be more tedious in USA but it has to start somewhere.


18 dead children now and 3 dead adults incl. the shooter.

He is right

No political will because the gun lobby pours multi millions into the coffers of the politicians. And this twisted aspect of “freedom” and “right to bear arms” means that it just won’t happen. They’ll blame anything and everything but not general gun ownership.

Every day I thank my lucky stars I got the fuck outta there (was in Dallas for a year during the pandemic)

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