Breaking News Thread

I cannot imagine how devastated Olivia’s family and the surrounding community must be going through right now. There seems to be a spate of killings recently in the Merseyside area.

Someone must know something and if he/she have a conscience, must do the right thing and inform the police.

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The cunt who was the target will know who did it
Bring back the rope.


I am not sure how true it is, apparently, the person who was targeted is in hospital. He should reveal the killer to the police.

The details of this case are devastating. He wasn’t known to the mum and little girl, he ran into their house to get away from the gunman.

They were innocent victims caught up in what I can only assume is a gang related feud.



Scopolamine…large dose!!!

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This poor man.
I didn’t know about this case. Greenford is 10 minutes drive away from me.
What is happening to our society here.
I remember when I could play on the streets until late and our parents didn’t worry, the car doors are unlocked.

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So it must mean the target knew the assassin, right?
What does breaching the terms of his licence mean?

It means he’s either been involved in crime, since his release from prison, or associated with known criminals.

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Omg! I hope he speaks to the Police and do the right thing.

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I think it’s very likely he knows, who is responsible or if not the actual gunman, who is behind it. Usually, people do not get shot for no reason at all.

I heard the lunchtime news saying the Merseyside police are very active raiding some house across the area.

If he does reveal the assailants and has a good reason why broke his licence and the organised crime people he was dealing with were after him to silence him. It is also for his own & family’s safety as well as having a conscience to help the police find Olivia Pratt-Korbel’s killer.

Edit: Another problem is, the police have had such a bad press with corruption, racism etc and their reputation is bad and many people do not trust the police.

I know the Met police in London have earned that reputation. Is it the same for Merseyside police as well?

I don’t know. Our Liverpool residents will have better knowledge.

No matter what you think of the police that is no reason to withold the name of someone who shoots dead a 9 year old child. That is some weird mindset. The only arguably valid reason is fear for the consequences for your own family.

I am pretty sure names have been offered and there will be an arrest soon unless the culprit has been helped by his cronies to escape abroad as sometimes happens.

I witnessed what I am sure was a drug deal going off in broad daylight on a reasonably full seafront car park the other day. I could see in my rear view mirror two BMW cars drive up and park side by side. The two occupants of one car got out dressed in the normal uniform of black tracksuits and base ball caps and I could see some banter going on and then the handover of the packages, high fives and then one car drove off.


This is appalling. The intended target’s associates left the Mum and Olivia bleeding to death and fled.

Just a further thought on this murder. All those millenials, next time they snort up their coke, should maybe spare a thought for Olivia and reflect that their recreational drugs come at a price.

Are they happy that innocent lives can be lost? Is that a price they are comfortable paying?


They don’t care.
The Police need to cut the root of this drug gangs or organised crime people. This Joseph Nee is a small time criminal, the authorities need to catch the leaders, cut off the drug supply link, root out these evil people from the, if necessary drive them out and prosecute them.

Not as far as I am aware. What I will say though is to a certain demographic around where I live on the Wirral the police are viewed as the enemy. There is out and out hostility and a lot of people I know would hesitate to help the police in any way.
Not just here, but also in other areas (Manchester when I’ve taken Mrs C to the match) I notice now that young ‘scallies’ seem to have no fear of or respect for the police. Speaking to family and friends of a similar age to myself the main feeling is a lack of faith in the police to do anything. :nerd_face:


I think a lot of people view the police as ‘the enemy’ wether they be, young , old , rich, poor, live in a good area or bad area…but the one thing that these people have in common is…if anything ever happened to them, attack, abh,gbh, anything…the first number they ring is 999…hoping the ‘enemy’ will help them out…


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