Breaking News Thread

I am not happy with the Police either down in London, but we, as a community and the police federation have to try and work together to fight this cancer seeping into our communities and harming our children and have to build trust and communication with each other.

Also, underfunding of the Police over the years has not helped either. When I was a child, we always had a local policeman who used to walk around the area, doing his local beat and he would say hello to us and be friendly and establish a relationship with the locals. I haven’t seen one Policeman ever walk our local area unless a crime has been committed


The community policeman hasn’t disappeared due to under funding. It’s that the police don’t want to do it. Your heading to a system like the French National Police where it’s just reaction when they feel like it and gung hoo at that with enormous amonts of corruption. (Brigades have to be split up regularly to stem corruption and is something the Met need to put in place quick before it reaches really fucked up proportions.

Have you not heard of Operation Venetic? Police Forces all over the UK, together with the National Crime Agency and Interpol, have put dozens of serious drug dealers, who previously considered themselves ‘untouchable’, in prison for many years. This was achieved by infiltrating the encrypted phones they were using. Arrests and prosecutions are still taking place.


No, I haven’t heard of Operation Venetic. I did see the occasional news, that customs have impounded kilos of drugs and the occasional drug bust. I have heard of National Crime Agency and Interpol. I didn’t know it was ongoing.

A lad who lives less than 200 yards from me has just been nabbed through his use of an encrypted phone. He bought his house (similar value to mine £100,000) for cash. Then spent £50,000 more on doing it up, again paying cash. Neither he or his partner work. I’m made up personally and hope he goes away for a long time. He is facing drugs and firearms charges. :nerd_face:


Sadly I doubt they even give a fuck, as long as they get to shuff some rat poison up their snout.

Maybe force dealers to put pictures of those they have killed on their bags when they sell - similar to cigarette packets having to show pictures of lungs/hearts/blood vessels affected by smoking might make a small change, but I think too many people are selfish enough that they wouldn’t care

Should also have the house confiscated under proceeds of crime


Another drug dealing scumbag bites the dust. When he’s sentenced, they’ll seize his assets, including the house.


The police are trying to get the younger kids onside up here. They’ve been working with our local youth centre organising outings. My Grandson has been fishing with them twice. They usually go on a civvy mini bus but one time it wasn’t available. So they used one of the yellow police ones. They put the ‘blues and twos’ on as they left the centre. The kids were made up. :nerd_face:


I really hope so.:nerd_face:

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Just curious. How was he as a neigbour ? Did he and his wife mix with local community?

We have a ‘gitty’, walkway at the side of our house, our fencing is 6ft tall+2ft of trellis…we noticed 3 or 4 houng lads waiting/hanging around…then one smart looking young man kept appearing, he asks the group what number do you have…and hands over the goods…this went on for a few weeks and we watched and listened from our loo window…but mester wilkored08 got cheesed off and began watering his veg plot…near the fence…and soaked the lot of em…anyway…a few weeks later 2 houses got raided on our high st…and we’ve not seen em since…but anymore and they’re in for a soaking.

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my only advice there is to just be careful.


Oh yeah…
My hubby apologised…but it made them walk away from our fence…onto some grassed area out in the open…

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Oh my word, good thinking Mr Wilko. :smiley:

My experience of dodgy people, years ago.
My neighbour (owns properties) rented his house out as an HMO to ex youth offenders. One night, I was putting the bins out the night before. It was about 11.45 PM. I saw this new Mercedes parked in front of my driveway, he looked at me abit nervous and I thought nothing of it at the time, I said , ‘I need to put my bins there’. So he moved his care abit and said sorry. Another youngster is coming out of the house with 3-4 black bin bags, says ‘hello how are you’ to me and I nod my head and say ‘hello how are you’. I go back inside, then I start thinking and start looking through the net curtain, hearing the the guy in the car yelling hurry up. The youngster is bringing more black bags out. I just went to sleep.

Next morning, there are 2 police cars raiding the house at 6:AM and they knock on my door later in the morning asking me a few questions.

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So what I am getting from the posts above is that the “war on drugs” has failed, which is really surprising given the vast resources thrown at it.

Probably time for a re-think?

Probably time to stop dealing with this as a criminal problem and start dealing with it as a social / health problem. Think of the time/money/lives that would be saved if this were addressed in a different and more compassionate way. Think of how many scumbag drug dealers would become unemployed.

Remember, Just say No. Its that easy.


Hmmm, veg plot you say
Growing Sesame Street GIF


There have been a number of cities/states that have gone down this path over the last 10-15 years, the only one I can find that has any sort of report is Portugal but a number of healthcare and social workers have often argued that decriminalising/legalizing drugs would go along way to funding the health and social care needed to help addicts through taxation. This sounds a good idea in theory, but we all know that working in theory doesn’t always work in practice so it does leave a lot of gray areas and unanswered questions.

I personally never touch the stuff - for my own personal reasons, but know a hell of a lot of people that do it regualarly and often find that the cause that leads them into are similar to people using alcohol - so wide spread and everyone else is doing it, so they cave to peer pressure, or dealing with mental issues and it provides an escape - or a combination of the 2. This leads back to social/mental health being an angle which might play a big part in finding a better way to deal with the ‘war on drugs’

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I always thought of your typical drug user as the guy slumped in the shop doorway on a wet night in January. My eyes were opened some years ago when I was invited to the evening do at a wedding. I really didn’t know anyone apart from my daughter and partner who had been to the actual wedding. Anyway this was a rather posh do full of 20-30 somethings, most of whom were well paid graduates working in London.

Later in the evening I decided to get some fresh air and escape the loud dance music. In the foyer of the venue I noticed a small queue of about 6-8 people outside the disabled toilet. I assumed the other loos had a problem but went in anyway and everything was fine.

I mentioned this queue later to my daughter. She laughed and said Dad, you are so naive. They were queuing for their turn to snort coke. I later found out that one of the frequent visitors to that loo was the sister of the bridegroom who was a newly qualified doctor working in a top London hospital and another was his barrister colleague.

These people were young professionals with excellent education and prospects. That was about 10 years ago so no doubt a lot of coke has gone up their noses since and a lot of their money into the pockets of the dealers. Therein lies the problem. They are the people who keep the dealers going, not so much the pitiful figure in the doorway with his mental health issues.


Coke has always been a rich person’s plaything in the west, and it is rife in ‘high’ society.
It’s quite easy to continue to function as long as you don’t do too much of it and it can increase energy and focus.
It also makes you an arrogant, loud mouthed dick.