Breaking News Thread


Nothing against the Queen. I’m no Royalist, but think she’s alright. But I find the following annoying

They should be more concerned about potentially hundreds of pensioners dying than just one.

That is a bit hard when you have deal with germs like BoJo and mad Liz on the same day

Sick Jason Jones GIF by The Detour

Harry and Meghan are traveling as well, that to me I think is the most obvious sign that it’s highly probable that it’s the end of the road…

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It looks, from all the news I have read in various media, that she is dying and that she will likely die quite soon. All points to that.
If that happens today, tommorrow or the day after, I want to offer my condolances to the British People. She has had a very long life and seen the UK undergo many changes from the UK she knew as a little child.


The monarchy is a ridiculous, outdated institution that I would love to see end after the Queen passes. That said she does seem to to have remained a very decent human being, despite knowing nothing but privilege

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Along with a camera crew?


Seeing Meghan standing at the end of the bed could finish her off…

When I watched Suits I often imagined her at the bottom of my bed

I just read the statement the Palace Officials put out, it doesn’t look good to be honest. I heard William is going up to Scotland. When she was meeting Truss, she look quite frail but was looking very sweet, like your favourite Grandma.

I will always love and respect The Queen. She gave her whole life for this country and put her heart and soul for the Commonwealth. I hope she pulls through, i don’t want her to go yet. She was the glue for this country.


I hope the queen has a good death with her family around her and little discomfort.

But then let’s be done with the ridiculous medieval nonsense.

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So where’s the £1.8bn that the Monarchy generate for the country going to come from?

Think of the tourism losses!

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The french haven’t suffered in that regard since they dispensed with the services of their royal family. .

This is very serious. I feel a bad omen is coming. I am already teary eyed typing this post.

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True, but they have heat and electricity.

Sarcasm points 10/10

Same place it comes from now. Versailles isn’t a less attractive to tourists without an actual monarch living there.

You know tourism isn’t the only source of income that they bring right?

I honestly see no convincing argument to get rid of them.