Breaking News Thread

Tbh, some of the worst aspects of the head of state dying, and particularly one as long serving as a the UK queen, is the media going into abolute gleeful vulture mode. So many clicks to generate from such a death, so many doumentaries to make, so many news stories to write. So much reward and opportunity for them, with stories veiled with sorrow and mourning.

I find it all distasteful.

Need a firm slap on the back there mate?

As a matter of good taste, can we park the monarchy discussion till this plays out please? Thanks.


I think you will see in the coming months that many people have confused support for the institution of the monarchy with a genuine affection for the current Queen.


Maybe. Though I reckon most people are fine with them as long as they don’t interfere. Those who want rid already obviously won’t be changing their mind.


Just a touch of obsequience induced nausea. It will pass.

Yeah, you’ll love its passing.

Looking forward to the rags going for Megan and Harry in the coming weeks.

They’re on their way up to Balmoral right now - but media sources leaving them off the lists. Then it’ll be “what was Megan wearing” or “she smiled at the wrong time”


I also think that her condition is very serious, otherwise the whole family would not gather and there would not be specials and reports across all media. The public is apparently now being prepared for what is to come, although I really think that you should now leave the family alone. I hate this whole circus and they should be allowed their privacy.


Charles was going to pass and allow William to ascend only for Meagan to get in his ear and convince him not to just to spite Kate. At least that is what “unnamed palace insiders” say

That’s lovely tbf

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This is the bit that always escapes my brain - nothing will change surely? Charles will be a symbolic monarch, who’s face will go on currency. The Crown will continue in it’s businesses, and ceremonial bits that it has to. The biggest thing to change will be that the Queen is respected and loved - Charles not so much, so “viewer ratings” will fall.

Ofcourse, everyone’s different - reading that there are people at Buckingham Palace in tears…madness but each to their own.

I’ve always liked her - she’s acted as a monarch should throughout her reign.


BBC Headline had an update entitled “can this bring the fractured Royals back together again”… essentially “can a bunch of inbred racists and peadophiles accept a black woman as part of the family?”

I’m going to guess no.

It would not surprise me to see a wave of Commonwealth countries set the monarchy aside. Barbados became a republic recently, but many have deferred the question to after the succession. Not sure how much the average Briton cares about that, but it will be a change.


Don’t forget we will now get to boo God Save the King instead.


Harry and Meghan were here in Germany during the last days on an Invictus Game Promotion Tour. Our media reports now that they travel to the Queen.

Edit, i just heard that Meghan has stayed in London while Harry is on his way to Balmoral.

When I wrote my post, I didn’t think of a change either, but of all the " hype"
(maybe that’s not the right Englisch word sry, i hope you get my point) that this is now triggering.

And that will certainly last for a few weeks.


I’d take Donna over her, 10 times out of 10.

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I respect your wrong opinion

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