Breaking News Thread

I have already posted an article about that some hours ago, you will find it somewhere above.

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So in 2 days, her body will be transported to Hollyrood to lay in state for 2 days before being carried on to London.

I’ll be dammed if I did not read Hollywood and thinking, what the hell … :joy:


King Charles III


Perhaps she took the easy option rather than having to deal with Truss every week

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She was heard telling her Private Secretary that she wanted to see the end of Boris Johnson if it was the last thing she did.

I read the eulogy at a friend’s funeral a few years ago. He died very suddenly but as he had been a big Doctor Who fan we wore costumes - I was dressed as Patrick Troughton’s Doctor.

I’m not sure whether it was the best thing to do. We were all very upset. However his family wanted him remembered as he was and not in accordance to some sort of social mourning convention.

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At the end of the day, this is the most important aspect.

Remembering the person and what they brought to the people in their sphere. If the family decide to go against social tradition and do something different, then who is to argue that they are wrong?


Absolutely. The funeral is just about the mourners, the person in question is dead. They might be looking down from a cloud but I doubt it. Been to a few funerals where black was positively discouraged (even seen fireworks at one) but equally, when it’s my parents, absolutely black and grief, that’s how we get it out IMHO.

My uncle nailed it, he didn’t have much but what he did have, he put behind the bar and requested that we didn’t leave till it was gone. That was a funeral to remember (for those who remember it!)


I don’t know why, but that got me right in the feels.

May your uncle Rest in Peace


Passed a number of years ago, a fabulous guy. Spoke fluent Greek, traveled the world and if you ever wanted to know where he was, look for the bar. Drank like a fish and ultimately it was a completely unrelated cancer that did for him.

Literally, cheers :beer:

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Sounds like Prince Phillip

And away from any naked flames!

My dear old great Aunty is the same. She is ninety, and ready for off. But we daren’t cremate her.

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Targaryan is she?

No, just highly flammable.

Ah, presumed you were just saving gas :wink:

I’ll drink to that, Cheers!

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Is this actually real?

I think so, I just have no idea of the context.