Breaking News Thread

God save the Tampon

This would be an opportune time to change the National Anthem. It is an outdated miserable dirge of a song.

Obviously Simon Callow could run a competition to select a replacement - “Britain’s New Anthem” has quite a good ring to it.

I agree with Billy Connolly - the theme from the Archers would be far more uplifting.

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WE are gold - spandau ballet

Common People is my national anthem :slightly_smiling_face:

Love me some pulp.

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This Simon Callow…! :0)
Liked him in ‘Chance in a Million’ though


Sorted for E’s & whizz…

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They really should have advertised this stuff in advance. The outcry over the response to Diana’s death was because they were following agreed protocols but the public weren’t aware of it. The protocols exist so that the country can continue to run in times of crises.

Obviously organisations have to be careful as many people are genuinely upset about the Queen dying but it would help no end if they were seen as complying with her wishes.

I think it was because many just wanted to stir shit!
I mean it was a way to get at Charles and show your adoration for Diana, yet the whole thing wasn’t what they wanted it to be, just normal madness.

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Teacher: If you have 12 apples, and give 6 to a friend, what do you have?

Me: A friend


Bugger I missed the opportunity to advertise TAN !



I’m not that clued up on Swedish politics but that looks to me that they would be heading towards a centrist grand coalition of some description.

Great name for a band.

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Calling them Centrist is really undervaluing the coalition, it would be more exciting to call them Dollarist

What the fuck. Aszerbadjan assault Armenia proper, and now this.

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World’s gone fucking mad. Isn’t there a reset button somewhere?


It isn’t the world that’s mad; it’s human beings.


There is, it’s big and red and not particularly good for your health. Bloody impressive although you won’t be enjoying the show for long.

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we melting the poles so the flood is coming.

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