Breaking News Thread

Its staggering to see how many criminal investigations there are into him. It’s an indictment of our political systems that this isnt enough to stop him running again, or that people dont care. Even beyond how loathsome I fund his politics, the man is a fucking crook and I cannot understand people voting for someone who has demonstrated that one his primary goals of being in office is self-enrichment with your money.


i assume its because theyre on a permenant war footing…

safety and all that…

Or, better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.

People don’t actually need any valid reasons to prop-up fascist lunatics. Case in point; USA/Trump, Brazil, Italy, Sweden, etc. etc.

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I always think of it in a different way. If it was a politician aligned with my political views who was corrupt and stealing from the people, what would I think?

Let them rot in prison, I’d say.

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His main motivation for running was to escape conviction and jail. That looks like it might certainly be the case now.

What might we expect next ? Maybe a change to the constitution to make him ‘PM for Life’ ? à la Xi and Putin.

No, he would not do that.

But he is a political animal (very nasty one). Very cunning and clever, very intelligent and very much an ideology man as long as it does not go against him (in which case he can make a deal with ideological opponents). But make no mistake, he is elected again and again because of promises to Nationalist and religious base as well as xenophobic rethoric which his campaign always cleverly employs.

Remember, Nationalists are ideological and romantic, they care about the “Greater Good” more than the petty corruption of any given man. As long as he promises settlement expansions, blocking peace deals, no land for peace and being brutal on Arab insurection; they will vote for him because he is seen as a Strong Man and their ally against Palestinians and anyone who would like territorial concessions for peace.


I was actually being a bit facetious when I said that. But still , you get my drift. This fucker rates himself in the ‘born to rule’ camp , and his latest victory will only have reinforced that opinion of himself.

It’s a shame that the piece of legislation that was going to restrict leaders to two terms didn’t make it through the Knesset earlier this year. Although it wouldn’t have applied retroactively to Netanyahu , it will probably nevertheless have emboldened him. Who would bet now against another twelve years with this conniving crook at the helm ?


It’s also interesting (maybe not the right word) to see how this shift in Israeli politics is shifting the Israel issue in US politics. Israel’s biggest lobbying group is a supposedly bipartisan group called AIPAC. Increasingly they have been shifting right in US domestic politics making it less and less aligned with the views of American Jews and more aligned with the hardline evangelicals who hold sway over the GOP. They have very rarely involved themselves in general elections, typically having their main focus on supporting democratic candidates in the primaries who are against someone viewed as uncomfortably sympathetic to Palestine. This cycle they have gone on in GOP in several races.

Netenyahu, first with his antagonism with Obama and then his pallyness wtih Trump started to change the dynamics in US politics where it’s becoming increasingly partisan, and this is a really tangible marker for that. The cynic in me thinks this is a calculated move to allow them to adopt worse strategies RE Palestine. If they make the Israel issue a partisan one they can then just write off criticism of their actions as being partisan knowing whatever they do will be supported by the other party (that they help get elected).


Can’t help but wonder if this is a false flag…

:sob: :pray:

Precision Air, that irony :man_facepalming:

Fuck, that looks serious.

that should not happen. high-rises which are properly built are designed with fire-breaks between walls and floors with suppression systems in place to prevent spread.

clearly that wasn’t followed here, as the building had residents in it (which means it had occupancy permission which should only happen when all inspections of building are complete and signed off as inhabitable with insurance coverage). Otherwise, I’d say that vertical line of fire is the wooden hoarding which contains access to the exterior man-lift and it caught fire.


The trouble is that people block them open. Even after explaining the importance of leaving them closed they will always find a way of blocking them.

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You’re thinking of fire-doors.

I’m talking about firestops which are mandatory and require inspection on every floor before construction resumes. It’s a double-layer of fire-resistant drywall boards sealed with fireproof caulking. To prevent fire from spreading through walls (and ceiling on wood-frame structure)

Im this case though, from what I understand the isse was actually exterior cladding which was flammable.

I can’t even… Who designs this shit


Yes, to a great extent.
Working in hotels made me very wary of this. Co-workers got angry with me as when I worked I closed all the fire doors in one where the system wasn’t automatic. The fuckwits blocked them with rolls of paper.
This in a hotel where guests could smoke in their rooms in a country where whoever blocked the doors open was responsible for any injuries incurred if a fire swept through the hotel.
Just to save 2 seconds everytime you changed floor which was about 2 times in during an 8 hour shift if you did your job correctly (which is rare).
Thankfully I no longer work in that hotel I’ve been promoted to the hotel with automatic fire doors.


I know exactly what you’re talking about. Stayed in many older “boutique” hotels with the old standard of doors with automatic closes on them, and a few apartment buildings when I was young.

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