Bit of a bad break, this one:
Omg this is horrific!
Just showed this to my wife and reinforced her view of why I shouldn’t take the kids to airshows.
The main reason is that she was a casualty nurse at the Ramstein air base disaster and had to deal with the aftermath. At least with this it appears to have crashed away from the crowd. Not sure whether that is by design as obviously something has gone catastrophically wrong.
I used to take part in recruitment drives for my Reservist unit at a lot of air shows. I got quite blasè about the acrobatics going on overhead. At the Biggin Hill show in 2003 there were three fatal crashes. No spectators injured but it brought home to me how dangerous they ‘could’ be. I always had one eye on what was going on in the air after that.
Explosion in Istanbul. Happened not too long ago so reports are sketchy:
Absurd and disgusting. Iran needs to be sanctioned - they could start by cancelling the visas of the ruling elites children in UK etc.
I never thought the fuselage would pop off a B17 like that.
They’re likely hastening their own demise into a civil war, I think.
I really hope that you’re right, mate. Executing 15k imprisoned citizens who haven’t done anything worse than protesting, would be plain and simple mass murder against their own people. It’s horrific to even consider this.
It’s hard not to conclude that they’re all full of shit when this kind of thing happens.
I’m struggling to understand what’s really going on here. Biden has already been made to look both weak and foolish by the Saudis. After the last kick in the balls ; the refusal by the Saudis to pump more oil to help reduce petrol prices just before the mid-terms , and after initially promising to do so. (And also a decision taken just after the Saudis were entertained by one Donald J Trump at his Bedminster club on the eve of their new golf tournament.) , you’d think that coming to the aid of MBS woud be the last thing on his mind.
There’s probably a lot more to this decision than anyone will know. It just doesn’t make sense otherwise.
The Saudis know that the US want oil. Saudis want accountability for the Khashoggi case taken from MbS. A quiet word in someone’s ear regarding mutual back scratching and hey presto. What’s the betting that oil flow now increases?
Well yeah , but … Biden really needed that to happen before the mid-terms and he was double crossed.
I don’t really see how it happening now would be enough to warrant the administration giving him a get out of jail card.
Thanks I don’t really follow US politics except who’s President. What I was saying in my post was just what jumped out at me.
Oh, it’s been posted already.
Biden should have him assassinated.
First of all, that’s terrible news.
As we’ve seen in the famous George Floyd case and in many other cases (Ahmaud Arbery is another), the federal government can and sometimes does file a civil rights case in order to make sure an appropriate punishment is delivered. However, a civil rights case involving a death can bring only a maximum life sentence.
These are undeniably getting more and more frequent
It’s not even ‘news’ anymore.