Bundesliga / German NT

It was the same with Kimmich and Werner.

In Kimmichs case it was also known that he was not vaccinated.


Dortmund crashed out of the German Cup against St. Pauli.

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So, no Bayern nor Dortmund this season, could be another “Eintracht”. Refreshing.


Did anyone see the end to the penalties in the Cologne game? Cologne’s player has to score the last one to go to sudden death and puts in away, only for the ref to disallow it because his standing foot slipped as he was striking it and his ricocheted off that foot on the way in. Technically correct decision, but such a bum way to go out. How the hell he saw it though I have no idea.

first thing i checked was whether he was vaccinated. Seems that he was vaccinated.

There’s still so much about this disease and it’s interactions that we know nothing about.

Yes, definitely vaccinated, two doses at least.


Haven’t seen it but I’m guessing the trajectory of the ball makes it obvious, it loops in a way that’s not possible otherwise.

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No, the second touch is barely perceptible to the point that when the ref initially waved it off it wasnt at all clear what it was for.

Having just seen it, I disagree. The trajectory makes it quite obvious what happened, as would the spin on the ball if the ref could see that.

Where did you find video? I am curious to see it

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Well it seems the german commentators were initially just as confused about why the ref was intervening as were the commentators in the english language version I originally saw.

3 goals from Diaby today.

11 goals and 8 assists in 26 games.

Borussia Mönchengladbach was left reeling on Friday when sporting director Max Eberl quit the Bundesliga club, ending an association of 23 years.

“There’s a very simple reason why I can’t work anymore,” Eberl said as he held back tears at a hastily called news conference. “Because I’m just exhausted, because I’m tired, because I don’t have the strength anymore to do this job as this job needs, as this club needs it.”

With the press conference he wanted to end speculations that he wants to join another club.

Eberl took a month off at the beginning of last year to charge his batteries but now it seems he is completely burnt out.

Urgh, this reminds me of videos of King Kenny’s press conference in which he announced his resignation… I can only imagine the amount of stress people in those positions feel.


Yeah, he looked completely finished when announcing it. At 48…

That’s a burn out if there ever was one… said that he never wants to have anything to do with football for the rest of his life. Poor lad… and yet, he always did a good job for his club. They’ll surely miss him.


More upheaval at Hertha front office this week, Arne Friedrich leaving at seasons end and Benjamin Weber leaving the club with immediate effect after almost 20 years, the last 8 in charge of the youth academy.

No direction, no leadership, no clue.


Köln coach Steffen Baumgart was tested positive for Covid. His daughter filmed him while he was watching his team on tv.

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I don’t think Dortmund have heard of defending

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