Bundesliga / German NT

Muller already on 20 assists this season coupled with 10 goals. Half a season to go. Player.


Dortmund have secured Niklas Sule on a free from Bayern starting from next summer.

This whole Bayern-Dortmund thing is really starting to look like an abuse relationship.

“What is yours is mine. What is mine is mine…unless its fat and shit and injured, then you can have it.”


Goals 3&4 for Bochum, both lovely goals with the added joy of the can can being the goal song

How on earth have Bayern conceded 4 in the first half to Bochum :sweat_smile:

Because Neuer is injured i guess.

Do Bayern need a major rebuild?

Don’t know, could be, don’t care. I don’t hate or love them, ‘always’ been a Gladbach-fan in Germany because of Gunter Netzer, when he left for Real I started to follow Real too. In Italy it is Napoli I took a shine to.

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3 games ago (that heavy loss against Bochum), they played Muller as the deep right sided double-six alongside Kimmich. Was looking at the average positions of that game and couldn’t believe it.

In some interesting news from Germany, BILD are refusing to show Schalke’s Russian shirt sponsor Gazprom in their paper, instead replacing the logo with a “Freedom for Ukraine” message

Meanwhile Schalke have decided to remove the Gazprom name from their shirts.


Imagine what those numbers will be if he comes to the EPL…

It’s been a while since I watched a Bundesliga match involving Bayern. All I’m saying is that if they carry over defending like this to Champions League, an attack like Man United’s will rip them to shreds, let alone that of an organised side.

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Yeah, regardless that the Bundesliga is often a bit too open… that Bayern defence doesn’t look convincing for top challenges in Europe. Offensively, very potent of course.

When Sule is your first choice CB and he’s actually leaving on a free at the end of the season, that speaks volumes.

They do have sort of defensive full backs who can act as CB’s in Pavard and Lucas, but altogether I’m not convinced.

Sure, some injuries to key players have played a part.

First season for Nagelsmann if he wins the league, that’s the main goal. The cup was a big failure for the second season in a row. In Europe, let’s see if they can reach the latter stages.

Looking forward to the next couple of seasons, it does need a bit work in certain positions, either new signings or more clarity who does what tactically.

Florian Wirz has done his ACL today. Such a shame.


Look who is back … :sunglasses:


Seems like Gregor Gysi’s weird brother somehow

Bilic turned the job down before they offered it to Magath. The Korkut appointment wasn’t just weird it was outright bizarre and a few posts up I said Hertha were a serious candidate for relegation.

It’s a shit job and that’s embarrassing. It should be an amazing job to have.




Some dickhead from the Bochum crowd threw a pint at the linesman.

A) they should be found and chucked out and B) the two dickhead fans trying to justify it the players should be chucked out as well.

Games been suspended, saw it at Simeone on Tuesday really lost with that behaviour.