Championship and Football League

she cant do worse than Fergusons 1 win in 18 for them last season.

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Well she could if she got no wins

A good signing for Leeds brought Norwich twice to the PL on a much smaller budget.


Well quite. Expect the talking heads to ignore that mind.

I have a feeling that this would be a disaster for Leeds.

Probably the best option for them currently, haven’t a clue how it will play out mind.

no wins in 18 would be quite something!

Some managers are nice when they speak and some are just too nice. Leaves an impression do they ever have enough authority. Farke is one of them. Not saying he’s not good enough in his job, he won two promotions with weak Norwich squads.

Perhaps i’m misremembering, but i thought when he left, there were accusations of him bullying the players?

A friend sent me this, live from Split:


“(High heeled) shoes were enthusiastically adopted by aristocrats, who sought to give their appearance a virile, masculine edge”

Bet he got dressed in the dark and put on his wife’s shoes…

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Who is he?

John Terry

His wife must have big feet.

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Season starts…

Might get World Cup like added time

Soton 1-0

That is without doubt, the goal of the season so far from Tella…been watching too much Salah.