Chelsea vs Liverpool: League Cup Final, Wembley, February 25, Sunday, 15:00

Do hope one makes the bench, didn’t think Dom would make it but Salah and Nunez being at the training I would hope one makes it.

Then again none of this means anything.

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It’s predictable really. Not a lot of other options.

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Could easily be a case of Klopp wanting to keep it a surprise to throw chelsea off.

No sign of Salah in the pre-match walk and doubts over his injury, then just before the team goes to warm up, BAM! Salah is in the starting XI and the chelsea team have limited time to adjust their approach knowing now that Salah will tear their defence a new one!


Isn’t that something that’s decided in advance? or do they just spontaneously choose what to broadcast in BD?

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On the sauce early AL?

Yeah I’m not sure we’d be that open on our team. Anyhow with Klopp you’d expect them not to play anyhow so if they were anywhere they would be on the bench.

In traffic near boroughbridge…


Gary neville on Sky Sports commentary (with Drury).

Why do they have to invovle this biased cockend in the final. Unbearable.


As usual I’ll have music on


What’s the soundtrack MH?

Carly Rae Jepson
Stevie Nicks
Bruce Springsteen

Was Wednesday so I might repeat.


What period Springsteen? Darkness on the Edge of Town is a personal favourite of mine. Not such a big fan of BITUSA.

Desperately trying to stay awake.

Famous last words. :smirk:

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Fuck off Vinny you BS prick.

The Rising… though his most recent has seen out a fair few games comfortably recently

We’re here…We’re settled…tv on…sky on…ready to go… customary cuppa in hand

I better eat quickly before I get sat in front of the telly.

Mo having a walk around.

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