China - the irresistible rise


Well there we have it. The coup is clearly orchestrated by China, it’s obvious.

Everything about this regime disgusts me profoundly.


Fighting also the other day last week again in Ladakh, between Indian and Chinese troops. A clear strategy, to me, of encircling and pressurising India.

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I don’t think it’s been orchestrated by China because the Suu Kyi regime was quite loyal to China as well.


reading that BBC article doesn’t make me think China had any involvement - they have more to lose with the military government than one led by Suu Kyi.

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Of course China were involved its right on their border in an area where they want to have influence, to boot, they have by not supporting the UN motion given support to the coup. We cannot assess whether China benefits more or less from ejecting Suu Kyi, but the new seat of power matches their model of ‘governance’ far more closely.

By involvement i was referring to suggestions they orchestrated it.

The Myanmar military have for a long time distrusted the Chinese government. Myanmar is important to China, and it is has invested heavily in it particularly under the previous government. I think subsequent actions by China are simply what they see as a practical next step to curry favour with the military. They are also probably not big fans of the UN for their own reasons. I don’t see them pushing for the overthrow of the legitimate government.

I would expect they knew it was going to happen and let it.


Everyone knew what’s going to happen the moment the military questioned the elections results.


I think it needs to be said, no State that has designs on world dominance, comes out and announces it. They will do one thing and say another, like the US did for years. But a troubling time is coming, where China will rival the US for that, and it wont pass peacefully. There is crazy shit going on every day almost in all corners of the world from Belarus, Ukraine 2015, Iran, Taiwan, Russia and Navalny and everything else, India and Ladakh, Chinese claims to ownership of the Pamir mountains, +10 years of war in the middle east, peaceful protesters provoked and arrested, all while the West is crippled with Covid. This shit gonna go down big. And all this is lost in the everyday numb mind of a twitter or news feed.

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I would not know whether China had a direct hand in the Myanmar coup of course but what I am frustrated about China sometimes is that they seem to oppose the Western democracies for the sake of it. From my side of the world, I can see why because for a long long time, Asia has been dominated by the Western powers and we are seen to be ‘lower’ and now that China is on the rise, they want to assert their power.

All I can say is, sometimes I wish both China and the Western Democracies can stop thinking too highly of themselves and if both an be a bit more centrist, maybe life would be better for everyone, but that would be too much to ask is it.


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They may not have had a direct hand in it. We’ll never know, but the generals will have thought about the international reaction before acting, and will have known that most of the world would be against them. If they had felt that their hugely powerful neighbour and major trading partner didn’t approve, I doubt they’d have gone ahead.

It’s nice to think that we can all get along, but the fact is that the basic philosophies that underpin China and Russia on one hand, and Europe and the US on the other, are so fundementally opposed that there is no middle way. Where is the middle way between one party authoritarian rule and multi party democracy?

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I would like to think, while not perfect by all means, Singapore has used the one party system for the good of the people and country although again many in the western world might beg to differ.

I just think that systems are not as important as results for the good of people but it seems both ends are just eager to emphasize theirs is better than the other.

Ive put a lot of thought into this, and in terms of all States, it is true the world is polarised on the poilitical spectrum, the 2000s being the last time I felt there was centre ground balance. But which citizen is best off? The one barred from speaking, reading or thinking material deemed subversive to the regime, or the one who is allowed to think, say and read mostly anything? To my mind, neither of them, they both know equally nothing about the people that rule them and their inherent motives. The east uses suppression whilst the west uses flooding.

Said with the benefit of being able to read, speak and think anything😉


Im convinced inner space is as equally as vast as outer. Which usually helps me to avoid you mate :wink:

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It’s not exactly a one-party system. Granted, the system gives PAP 80%+ seats, but even in a PR system they will have a comfortable (60%+) majority.

Yeah we have democracy that is nowhere near what the western world would define as democracy. In many ways, we come down hard on opposition political parties, we clamp down on protests or strikes etc so that comes across as not too dissimilar to dictatorships but yet we have a free internet, multi sources of media from all over the world and behaving according to the rules of law…and that might come across as some forms of democracy… and strange as it might seem, what Singapore has today, might never have happened if we are not ruled by one party since we became independent. And that is what I meant one party system, because in the near future, even our opposition leader admits that its not likely for them to dislodge the ruling party and for me, I thought even if we are small, that this system of rule seem to work very well for us.

Of course, systems are different for different regions. What works for us might not work for others, similarly like what Lee Kuan Yew has said, western style of democracies would never work for us. And then, I would never want to live under China’s type of rule too.


China’s boot, its a boot pal.