Cody GAKPO: 2023/24

The way he’s been playing since his injury… Injuries seem to have taken something out of his and Trent’s game, at least I’m attributing that lack of form to fitness issues. Hopefully both get back stronger after the international break.


If you check Havertz’ Fbref page the most similar player listed is Gakpo, which is about right.

11 completed passes, 1/10 ground duels won.

Static, passive footballer. Needs a rocket up his arse.

I like him but he’s been awful this season. Seems to have gone into his shell since losing his starting role.

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Already last season I said going forward, after a full pre-season, he needs to be more aggressive to play in this team regularly. Also, considering his size, use his body better. Technically he’s clean, first touch one of the best in the whole group. Not to forget that he’s been playing centrally for less than a year. We can still “play” with positions of Gakpo and Jota, considering their forms and our needs in different moments.

He’s got his missus up the duff. Congrats to them.

Lets hope to see lots of balls up his shirt over the next few months as he celebrates his goals.

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Banging em in off the pitch now


Imagine his poor wife. Cody goes missing for an hour then pops out of no where to bang one in and afterwards gives all the credit to Trent

He’s always loved a tap in.

People are fucking weird, but this is amazing


I hope Cody starts to get the respect he deserves. He’s got great technique and intelligence. He’s probably one of those who suffers from his versatility, finding himself shuffled around from position to position.
He’s a very good player.


Jürgen stated that Gakpo’s struggles are related to him being asked to play a different role and having to adapt to that. Talks about Gakpo as a longer-term project.

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Very good second half from him last night. More of that, please. More aggression, better in duels, more decisive. The rest is fine, he’s technically very able.


He definitely looks better when playing centre forward, I don’t think there’s a question about it. I also think he’s an underrated finisher, looks more assured and varied than Nunez. That late one-on-one he spectacularly missed speaks differently, though, but I’d fancy him to trouble the goalie from those positions more often than not.

Also, one aspect of him that no one ever mentions is his aerial game - he’s tall and has a great leap and is able to bring down the ball or flick it on (like at Brentford). It’s a nice weapon to have when we have to play direct football, I don’t think any other Liverpool forward has that ability.



Not in that target man aspect, at least not for me. He’s absolutely great when he has to score a header, though, especially considering he’s not the tallest of lads. We have a rather varied bunch of forwards, I just wish Salah was couple of years younger and that Jota’s fitness record is better.

Nunez is better at that, I think. Cody’s better when he receives it on the floor, his first touch is the best of all our forwards. Cody with his height and age, he should be a bit meaner, use it better. Last night he did. He realized along with Diaz that a lot of responsibility were on their shoulders to “carry” the attack. I’ve seen tall players not being very good in duels, like Riera and Babel. Gakpo’s Liverpool career probably won’t depend on that, it’s obvious that his evolution and key answers how far he goes here will be more under the next manager(s).

I just wonder if he has that “killer instinct” that separates the best from the very good. He’s got all the tools (apart from searing pace); it’s up to him to make the most of them.

I try to respect and understand everyone’s opinion but some are really harsh on him at the moment.

Judge him when he gets the chance to play with our best players at their best and not when the whole squad is gassed.


I’ve been thinking something about our attackers in Salah’s and Jota’s absence - maybe they are so accustomed at having these two consistently score goals that they themselves are feeling more pressure to score when they’re not around?

I was more disappointed by Gakpo’s missed chances against Southampton than against Forest, to be honest, but the main point is that he failed to stake his claim for a starting spot when everyone’s is fit - at least in my opinion - and just because of lack of goals. I do hope he will come good at some point because he has all the tools (and he’s been shifted around a lot, not playing enough minutes in centre forward role, which is his strongest, in my opinion).

Not good enough the last few games. Apart from the second half against Luton. With our main attack hopefully back in one of the next two games, maybe it’ll be good for him to drop back to the bench and be more of a backup/rotation option. Played a lot of football, but he’s a 24-year old international, he’s not a kid and there are expectations from such a player, with the injuries we had. He also had similar games (and also good ones, to be fair) when we were in at full strength.