Conor BRADLEY: 2023/24

It’s interesting when you think about someone like Phillips. He will no doubt be loaned out now until his contract ends he won’t have earned much more than he would have if he had gone to a West Ham or a Spurs or someone instead of going to Man City and he may have had a career.

Ronaldo only fell out with Ferguson because he wouldnt sell him to them first time around and even filed a complaint to FIFA potentially impacting any future move to them. That was the famous “I wouldnt sell them a virus”…before selling him the following season.

Stop talking about other people in this lad’s thread!

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This kid needs a rest. He looked knackered last night.

Any news on his injury?

I think this is inserting our fears (over using an inexperienced kid and having a negative response) into what we see. His initial appearances were very eye catching and that level of clear impact was never going to be sustained, but that reality happening also doesnt mean his performances have fallen and that he needs to be protected/rested. You could see last year Baj flag badly around the hour mark of games. I havent seen anything of the sort from Bradley.

In terms of appearances, he had the entire game off on thursday, played only an hour the week before against Utd after a good run of games prior to that.

Fingers crossed his ankle isnt too bad because he has continued to be a big contributor to a lot of the good stuff we’ve done over the past month when overall performances have not been great.

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I’m wondering if his fading is simply a reflection of the team itself fading, just like how Alexander-Arnold is always slammed when the team isn’t doing well as a whole.

Klopp seemed to suggest his injury wasn’t serious when he had a chat after the match.

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I think Bradley had dipped before the injury, and if there is a side for Klopp to now sprint to the finish line with, Bradley isn’t in it.

Well done to the lad though. What a future he has. Looking forward to seeing him next year. Hope he nails the RB spot.



If Trent is seen as a midfielder first by Arne, then I would like this chap to be thrown in as first choice RB with Gomez and TAA as options for that position.

TAA came into the first team squad also because he was thrown into the deep end and grab it with both legs. I think Bradley can replicate that path. I really think he has the capacity especially mentally to do it.

Scored both goals in Northern Ireland’s 2-0 win over Andorra.


How many games does he need to have before the conversation starts that he’s wasted at RB and we need to move him to where he can be even more involved


Funny you should say that. He’s played the last two games for NI in midfield


Fuck, maybe there will be room for the wee Scottish lad after he comes back from Wigan then with Trent and Conor both in midfield

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Tbf it’s more a case of having one good player so stick them in middle and ask them to do everything


Trent’s going to Madrid.

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. Admittedly, I would be over the moon if he turns out to be the N.I version of Gareth Bale without the Golf obsession and stupid heart celebration but expectations need to be realistic.
I am not aware of Bradley having played centrally with the Youth setup, my understanding was that he was a winger converted. I am sure @Sweeting will be able to clarify.
I noticed this (last) season, after he had a few games under his belt, that Bradley started to drift into the middle of midfield and looked comfortable. For me, this is okay on occasions, but at present I do not see this as the skillset we should be looking at.
For me, (and I say this with full admiration/respect) Bradley is the modern day full back. He is relatively quick, probably accentuated by his determination, drive and competitiveness and so far he has been dependable defensively, especially in one on one situations. Direct going forward and skillfull, it has, apart from the odd own goal or 2 a very impressive, breakthrough season.
I am really excited and happy for him, to me his potential has such a high ceiling, but for the time being, we should leave him to do what he does best/knows.

That’s a passionate and lengthy response to something we were joking about


Sorry, I must of missed the joke, I blame the beer. I will have a stern word with him later :+1:t2:.

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