Daft Prick Boehly‘s Blue Billion Pound Plastic Bottlejobs

You know what I’m going to say - luckiest club ever.

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Arsenal and West Ham will still finish above them.


this sounds way too convoluted to be an off the cuff comment…

whats tomorrow nights quiz?


A picture of an Australian street, Rafa Benitez, and she has to guess where @redbj is.

3 billion dollars won’t put a dent in the cost of rebuilding Ukraine. let’s be real here, if the land ever comes back into Ukrainian control it will costs hundreds of billions of dollars to fix the damages.


‘daddy, is it the scary looking guy in the really lame tree costume right next to him?..
…daddy…can you stay with me a bit longer tonight?’

Episode 2 Whatever GIF


How long before someone crosses out the “Heard” on the side of that bus and replaces it with “Fucked”? :thinking:


Him alone, you’re correct.

But if they used the funds of all the oligarchs that they freeze/confiscat assets from then that would make a massive difference


Incredible how many working class heroes have emerged amongst their supporters.

“How is fucking over Doris the lunch-lady going to stop Putin?”.

Maybe arrange a whip round. That’d be a nice way to show support for “Doris” and your club.


Like the bleating over a coach, if an amateur old school boys team can get several cars to travel to Solihull from London for a cup game I’m sure Chelsea will be fine.

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Yeah, the fuckers should give it to the government, they know how it spend it.…

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And I don’t like cigars.

[quote=“SixpenceNun, post:1412, topic:263”]

"I could count on one hand how many times I’ve seen him in the last many years I worked for Chelsea."[/quote]
Holes in that one sentence from his oily mouth.

  1. I could count on one hand - yes, one hand. that one hand can be used sequentially
  2. in the last many years - not quantified. the last how many? 2? 3? 5? those can all be “many years”
  3. and prior to those “many years”, how about the times he’s not counting?

I know that he has on multiple occassions taken advantage of Roman’s yachts to holiday in the Med. No doubt had been hoping for the same from Usmanov while at the bitters

Of course he can count in the one hand the number of times he met with RA…
If he was holding and using a calculator in it :0)


Abramovich has not changed in the last three weeks. The Chelsea empire was built on bloodied money from the pillage of the USSR. Everybody knew that, but he was lauded and feted as changing the face of football by London press. His billions fitted the SKY narrative and consolidated football as a “product”. But deep down his past never went away and a catalyst would change the world of the oligarch very quickly…

Putin invades Ukraine = Roman is a cunt

Thinng is, he always was.
Thing is, Yemen is happening whilst those funding the violence buy Newcastle? The cycle continues.



The cynic in me sees Chelsea, after a few months of worry, getting even more powerful after this in the long run.

  1. Oligarch money artificially inflated Chelsea, and after 20 years, they are self-sufficient to compete financially at the top end without any new money injections.

  2. Oligarch sees the sanctions coming, and looks to sell for 4bn. Normal business tactics - maybe they are worth less than that, but it’s a come to the table with a serious bid.

  3. Oligarch gets sanctioned, and UK government now decides everything. They will make a political decision when selling the club.

  4. My worst fear is that they will (after lobbying, dinners, probably even some brown envelopes), make that political decision to quickly sell, and they will sell for WAY BELOW the market rate and Chelsea/new owners has no need to pay back the Oligarch.

This means the new owners can artificially fund Chelsea for another 20 years.