Darwin NUNEZ: 2023/24

The goal posts are very unattractive over there, so he don’t want to “hit that”.

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He might be looking at a ban.

A ban for this, although in his defence he and other Uruguay plyers went into the crowd to defend their families, but it does look like he’s leading the charge.

Surely it’ll be an international ban and not impact us.

Can’t blame him defending his family but certainly looks like he goes on the offensive afterwards.

Security was an utter shambles and god knows why players families would be seated so close to opposition fans.


Protecting his family :facepunch:



He should be commended for doing the organisers job in defending his family. A lot of players would have hid, but Darwin and some teammates protected their loved ones.

If he is given a domestic or international ban, then Liverpool and Uruguay should sue the organisers. This whole scenario is their fault.

I have so much respect for Darwin after this.


If it is an international ban, then good for us and LFC. But if FIFA decides to fuck with LFC, then LFC should be ready to lawyer up and fight it out in the CAS.



Fighting, swinging punches with a shirt in his hand.

:joy: :man_facepalming:t2:

The clip where he tries to throw a chair into a different section of the crowd isn’t ideal. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Luckily, he can’t hit the target.


When Eric Dier did similar in an FA cup match a couple of years ago he got a 4 match ban and 40k fine. Assume FIFA or CONEMBAL will ban him. Shouldn’t affect us.

Defending your family…i get it…red mist, family first etc. Bit daft though, should have got his family to safety and let the police/security deal with it.

Suppose he could argue blue on blue seeing as hes using a columbia shirt to cover his fist :sweat_smile:

Probably Lucho’s shirt.

Lucho’s dad was probably in the thick of it too


That’s a pretty good defence. Are you a lawyer?

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I mean if you don’t want an elite athlete to punch you in the face then maybe don’t start swinging at their family? It’s ridiculous what we expect of people in the public light sometimes, anyone of us here would react exactly the same if we felt our families were in danger.

As for letting the police/security deal with it, I’ve found that, for a country that has a habit of over policing itself, stadium security is pretty thin especially once your inside. Usually its a bag check or metal detector as you come in, then interior security will be mostly retirees topping up their pension by showing people to their seats. Sometimes a couple of cops lingering in a corner but compared to the lines of stewards you get in England and other countries America just doesn’t have that. Then they mix fans in with each other and expect everything to be fine (there was entire twitter profiles dedicated to NFL stadium fights, every weekend there would be at least 6 or 7 big fights they would post).

You can see the police presence in the video, two cops maybe three can’t quite tell - and that’s long after the fight has been going on as Nunez is already up there in the middle of it. The police weren’t sorting out shit.

Anyway these are South American teams - threatening each others families and getting into a fistfight is basically the equivilent of two European sides shaking hands and saying “good game”.


Isn’t USA supposed to be hosting the world cup soon ? This probably is a wake up call for them.

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Yeah, this tournament has been a bit of a disaster in terms of it being a trial run. Pitches too small (one of the stadiums selected could only accommodate a pitch smaller than the FIFA required minimum, but they went with it anyway and then to create “fairness” required every other pitch to be limited to that size as well), playing surfaces universally criticized (typically just grass thrown o top of an AstroTurf base a couple of weeks before) and accused of contributing to a series of injuries, and now this.


That’s the part that concerns me as regards FIFA involvement. If it’s just the scrap, I think it’s left to CONMEBOL, and he’s looking at a perfunctory ca. four match international ban and a fine, as with Dier against Norwich, but slinging (or at least attempting to) a chair at fans when he and seemingly his family had already been separated from the melee might make it a little trickier for him to defend.

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