Ding Dong.....the US Politics Thread (Part 1)

sort of like the Donald?

Ha, I guess sort of.

I think the difference is it is entirely normal for a body like the NRCC to just write off hopeless candidates. There are over 400 races they are overseeing and they have to triage. Lots of races will see their candidate win no matter what they do, so they ignore those people. There are lots they expect to lose no matter how much money and administrative support they give the campaign and so they get ignored as well. Their job is to concentrate on the rest and so it is entirely expected behavior to see an awful candidate in a strong district for the other party get ignored.


Ban the burqa!

To be fair, he is a Misourri state rep, and it’s entirely possible that some of the chamber were coming to work like this

Yeah, but aren’t the men more the problem here? Ruth looks fine to me.

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If your neighbours got a gun shouldn’t you make sure your gun is bigger? And / or maybe get two just in case? You need to make sure you’re safe…

Brace for the moral false equivalency

It’s such a kabooki show. The people involved know there is no comparison. The people covering know there is no comparison. Yet the people involved know the people covering it will cover it as if there is, and the people covering it know they know that. And everyone proceeds to have the dumbest possible conversation.

Importantly this was for an alleged specific form of voter fraud. In most states, former felons cannot vote and there has been a movement to reenfranchise people who are in this situation. In most states the path to go through to get your vote back are purposefully obscure with it being unclear whenever you’ve 100% cleared yourself. Prior to the election there was a raft of publicized arrests of this sort, which was very clearly a shot at the near 3/4 million potential new voters trying to reclaim their vote to tell them that the state would arrest them if they didnt get it 100% correct.

Speaking of false equivalences, can’t wait to see that about the documents they found.

Did you just call me stupid or something?

:rofl: I dont know how/why that tagged you. Sorry @anon27364116

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And here was me scratching my head, thinking my lack of knowledge on Kabuki theatre had finally come back to haunt me.

Animated GIF

Wanna Fight GIF by WAX

Hehe, this will explode a few heads


Smokin’ Joe Biden. :wink:

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It is remarkable the speed with which the Republicans were able to go from talking about inflation and the economy on the campaign trail to then doing this as soon as they got in.

A small only a very small number of people in the media pointing out the discrepancy between their focus on the problem vs their actionable ideas to address it ad arguing that should have been the focus of any coverage an inflation/economy Republican should have been given. This is just pointing to why that was the right perspective.

Oh crap…conventional wisdom had the US hitting the debt limit in perhaps May. Turns out it is next week. So this dysfunctional House is going to have less time than normal to extend the debt limit to avoid default.