I’d like to see Sancho on as well. Probably for Mount.
I can’t bear it if it goes to penalties
Kane is so desperate to get a foot on the ball, he’s dropping into central midfield. playing as a false 9.
nice dive, el Chin-o
Nervous, desperate defending in Danish box
Bloody hell, Kane injured!
poppycock. he’ll bounce up in a flash.
Hmm. Interesting situation with Kane.
Fuck off that’s not a foul on Kane.
No penalty Kane kicked the Dane.
There is biased commentary and biased commentary but that was a foul every day of the week by Kane not on Kane.
I feel like this ref is one of the best in the game. impressive.
Looked a pen to me
Kane kicked the Dane.
Was about to say the same. Pen at first glance
Dixon said the ref got it right.
He did.
I too thought that, but hindsight showed something else. Ref did well I found.
Specsavers mate.
1st look, I thought it was a pen. It would have been if Kane hadn’t made the 1st foul. Ref got it right.
Denmark’s not got any attack left.
Come on England!