Ex-player: Divock ORIGI

He really needs to be playing regularly somewhere. I hope he has that desire in him and pushes for a move rather that seeing out his contract here. I think playing so irregularly has prob stunted his development a bit, but I doubt he would ever have been a world beater.

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The epitomy of why he one of the most frustrating players in recent yearsā€¦

He gets the club, has all the raw ingredientsā€¦ Then just never goes up to the level we need.

Very sad really.


Fair fucking play Div, what a great gesture, well done!


Itā€™s a lovely gesture. I canā€™t decide whether itā€™s a parting gift or it means heā€™s staying.

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I reckon it is a parting gift.

Either way, lovely and thoughtful gesture.


Divock was sent on loan in summer 2017 - very sure this was because we could not find anyone to buy him back then.

When he came back we surely tried to sell him again.

Love what he has done for us but after we extended his contract he disappeared once again.

Origi never had better chances to 'winā€˜ a starting place like last season where Sadio and Bobby struggled during big parts of the season.

People might disagree but for me this indicates a character / motivation / mentality problem.

Not saying he is a bad person or anything but maybe he just wants to have some fun, play football without much pressure.


When he was at Lille their supporters became really frustrated by his lack of determination and we have seen that at times imo.
There is no doubt he was/is a real talent, itā€™s hard for us to really judge him as he plays so little for us but if he did I think we would also become very frustrated.

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Iā€™m fairly certain he was sent on loan in 2017 so he could get match time in advance of the World Cup with the hope that he might get to play there. And subsequently, we were looking to sell him with Solanke above him in the pecking order, but he did enough in training to impress to win his place back, so perhaps his character/motivation/mentality isnā€™t as bad as people who constantly shit on him think?

One huge problem I see is that people think that his facial expressions and playing styles on the pitch reflect that mentality, when itā€™s not necessarily the case. I feel very much like a broken record here, but if we look at how players are on the pitch, heā€™s just very different in style. He has speed, but doesnā€™t have the mobility/acceleration of someone like Bobby. I think there was a comment somewhere else comparing Isak to him, that Isak looks like what he would if he fulfilled his potential, but I disagree. Isak is a lot more agile, that lends itself well to the pressing style weā€™re used to, whereas someone like Origi would have to be a lot more judicious with his positioning and challenging. In other words, if he tried to play like Bobby, other defenders would run rings around him.

That said, that doesnā€™t make him any more suited for our team than if his mentality was the problem. But I just donā€™t think we should be too quick to judge the mentality of a player who struggled a lot in his early years here and still manage to force himself sufficiently back into contention to earn a new contract (which I donā€™t think would have been done on the back of sentiment), and to actually contribute, despite what people think, to not just a Champions League win but also a Premier League win. He might not ever be a regular starter, but if his wages are sufficiently low enough for him to be a great squad player, why not?


Spot on.

I noticed a lot of his goals was him being a the right place to poach. But lately he was used to replace Mane on the wing and everybody was expecting him to be Mane. He simply does not have the low centre of gravity and burst to play like Mane.


Correlation is not causation, of course, but Iā€™ve noticed that his performances really suffered after fans were rebuked for claiming that Divock has a big cock and a certain banner was banned.

I canā€™t help but think that whilst potentially racist Divock kind of secretly liked it. Perhaps it gave him confidence? Put it this way, being told I have a big cock certainly doesnā€™t harm my performance. Yes, even if I know itā€™s actually a lie!


Given how zoned out he looks during matches, I doubt he even noticed!

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Those of us who remember Chris Waddle would never think like that!


It counter balanced this moment beautifully

#lfc #origi GIF by Sporza

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I donā€™t think heā€™s ever recovered from this actually.


Whatā€™s that 1m/month for 6 months stuff??? Loan fee???

Ā£1 per month for 6 months special offer for the media source, nothing to do with the player/deal.

I feel bad now, didnā€™t think anyone would fall for that.

As @AnfieldRdDreamer says, that is the special offer for access to The Athletic at the moment and nothing to do with Origi.

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