Ex-player: Divock ORIGI

He is been injured (Muscular Injury) since March 15.


But Firmino and Mane been shit since August 1st.

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I strongly believe that Origi will have some sort of a resurgence. I also believe he needs to move on for that resurgence to happen.


No they were not, you seem not to grasp how important Firmino is for Liverpool is. Firmino was never about scoring goals, he is not even e real number 9 but he makes others score their goals. ManƩ lost a lot of confidence in scoring goals but he was and is not shite.

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Heā€™s a really talented lad, but just as Zoran, I have some doubts about his mentality. I too think that he has a kind of passivity about him. Compare him to the almost manic mental strength of the likes of Salah, ManĆ©, Hendoā€¦ yeah, passivity is probably the right word.

A pity, because he has all the tools to be a world class striker otherwise: pace, power, height, and he can take on people and finish when he wants to. But that happens not often enough. Lack of confidence is maybe a problem for him too, with him being played so scarcely.

But yeah, give him regular playing time in a slightly lesser side, and heā€™ll have a resurgence, I believe that too. Maybe to the point at which weā€™ll regret letting him go.


The resurgence idea is what will hopefully see some suitors come in for him with a decent offer.

Thatā€™s the nagging feeling in the back of the mind, that he will come good, but after his years at Liverpool, much as weā€™ve had some amazing highlights that will never be forgotten, he just hasnā€™t done enough. Not even close.

So, goodbye big Div. Good luck. And thank you for the memories, sincerely!


Mane isnā€™t shite, but this season he has been shite.
Probably the biggest drop off of any individual in our squad - I get it Covid etc but that is a fact.

Firmino job in the side is to create goals and link play but he can also score goals. This season he has done neither.

My comment was tongue in cheek but Origi not getting a look in when Mane and Firmino have had a disaster of a season is what I was getting at.

His future has to be elsewhere coz if he canā€™t get in the side in front of Mane and Firmino this year then that speaks volumes on Klopps thoughts on him


He doesnā€™t even need to get in the side ahead of them. The fact Klopp has so infrequently turned to him for the odd game despite how congested the season is and how poor their form has been should set alarm bells ringing. He could still be behind them in the pecking order but easily double his playing time this season if Klopp actually wanted to use him.


I think the passivity is actually one of his strengths, it allows him to stay calm and focused in situations where others might have too much energy/ā€œpassionā€. For an example, see Gerrard in Lucasā€™ first Merseyside derby. Many thought it was a strange substitution at that point in time, but it made complete sense in a situation where we would have wanted a calm head. I donā€™t think a ā€œmanicā€ player could have scored that iconic goal, nor many others. Itā€™s also something that seems to allow him to just go again and again (albeit in his own quiet way).

I donā€™t think heā€™s necessarily lazy in training either, or that heā€™s still here because we canā€™t sell him. He has quite clearly proven something to the manager, otherwise he would have been on his way after that lacklustre loan to Wolfsburg. If I recall correctly, in that season it was a choice between keeping him and keeping Solanke in the January window, and earlier on his father gave an interview where he said that JĆ¼rgen had given Origi a chance to prove himself, and that it was up to him to earn a place in the team. After not playing for months, he got a chance to come on as a substitute against Everton, and the rest is history.

I think in fact that this is the rare situation where we have a player who works hard in training, but doesnā€™t quite fit with how we regularly play, yet provides a different option. Not as a target man as most people seem to presume of him (especially given his height), but a more direct player to run in behind and just shoot. If heā€™s amenable to his current situation, then I donā€™t see it as a bad thing at all. We all want a player who seems to try hard, but sometimes, we need a player who is different.

A crucial reason why Iā€™d be inclined to keep him if possible is that he used to be rather lackadaisical in tracking back at times, or at least looked disengaged in doing so. However, in recent matches of his (that Iā€™ve watched at least), heā€™s been a lot more involved in that part of the game. JĆ¼rgen was widely mocked for talking about Origi as a better option over Minamino against West Ham because of his height, but if he thinks it makes a difference, I donā€™t think itā€™s unfounded.

I think the most accurate way to describe what I think about him is that I trust the managerā€™s judgment. If he wants Origi to stay, I have no qualms, and if he wants to get rid, I also have no problems with that. I do think itā€™s amusing that many seem to have a particular axe to grind against him though, considering heā€™s probably one of the least of our problems. I get that itā€™s frustrating that weā€™re playing so badly, but sometimes some players are meant to be a cog rather than the difference-maker.


My view on this has always been that thereā€™s a decent striker in there, but Kloppā€™s tactics do not suit big Div.

I thought his contract renewal was a pre-cursor to him being sold for a pretty penny - but now that looks unlikely too.

Kinda feel for him, but at the same time, heā€™s also won the PL, CL, World club cup, and is a hero for some of his moments.

For me, his time is surely up now.


Fully agree with this. I have absolutely nothing against him, and trust Kloppā€™s judgment on him 100% anyway. If he thinks that itā€™s worth keeping him, Iā€™ll back him totally on this. Origi seems to me like a slow developer. He might well have his best years towards the end of his career.

That comment on passivity is just a gut feeling I have, and I could admittedly be totally wrong about that.

Sorry but Origi isnā€™t good enough. Being a better fit/quality level for us and our league than Minamino and Solanke is really not a big selling point. The fact is that if Klopp had full resources he would have been replaced and upgraded long before now. Heā€™s hardly ever used even when itā€™s ideal to use someone more direct. We need a willing buyer that Origi would be willing to move to and we need a replacement. We havenā€™t had all of them so heā€™s still here. Heā€™s not still here because Klopp appreciates the different qualities he brings, if he did heā€™d play him more especially when our Plan A has been so ineffective this year.


Alisson and Bobby guessed him with that quality though. :eyes:


He needs to go to a club that takes corners quickly, he fell off a cliff once we stopped doing that.


Iā€™d say even his ā€œtalentā€ or ā€œtoolsā€ are overrated. Same goes for Babel and Balotelli, but letā€™s not go there. Thereā€™s not a big deal here or need for a long discussion. But the problem is that he canā€™t gel it into something clear, bring the best of him consistently. How does he use his physical stuff, does he come towards the ball, does he take too many touches or maybe attacks in behind (which Klopp suggested time and time again). He was very good piece of business at the time. Showed some promise and flashes of quality earlier in Kloppā€™s first two seasons. Didnā€™t go on to evolve enough as we improved as a team. Weā€™ll make a profit, heā€™ll decide what he wants to do next and thatā€™s it. All the best, Div.

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Letā€™s just say, he is placid :innocent:

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Tired Fight Club GIF


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To be honest I think the WHU game summed up why Klopp hasnā€™t played Origi.

He stood around for most of it and then ran away from the ball on 3 occasions, absolutely adore him for scoring the goals in the CL run and I will remember him for that but like so many he isnā€™t who he was.

He can be the right player for the right side but we need to move him on.


Yep definitely, time for pastures new- I can see Big Cock scoring over and over in some Italian boxes - and doing well on the pitch too.


Ye that Barca goal was magic I gotta say.

And of course he scored in the final.

Great moments from him