Ex-player: Divock ORIGI

Except Origi was a convenient story to make up… I mean report to give them the chance to advertise.

FFS!!! :rage:

It’s clearly an article to show his availability, his cost and not to appear like its a fire sale event for him.

I expect he leaves.


“Danny Ward set to be new number 1 after Alisson proves too expensive” Ward sold and Alisson bought.


My concern with Divok, and Shaq actually, is less that I dont think they have enough in them to contribute, but that they’ve both reached the point where any properly motivated player would be looking to move on after featuring so infrequently when fit. I think those are the sorts of players more so than the top guys you have to turn over pretty regularly to keep things from going stale at the training ground. It’s one thing for someone like Tsimikas to spend 2 years here getting not time as long as he’s working his arse off every day in training trying to earn his shot. After 2 years of not getting those games the chances of the standards staying high drop precipitously.


Only thing to influence that is wages and generally life happiness.

Shaq appears too get in with the squad, plays a role. Div I’m not sure about.

But will either want to move for a substantial wage drop…we shall wait and see I guess.

Totally get that the player themselves may not want to move on, but for the good of the squad and the maintenance of the intensity, there is only so long you can keep players around whose best efforts are not resulting in them getting the games.


100% agree - just posted as much in the Unreliable thread It’s pointless they stay if they can’t make it harder for the other front players, therefore improving them as a collective. Harvey Elliot is the only attacking player that might do that from our options - maybe Minamino.


No you are right… Mane and Bobby went through the biggest form drop since joining us, were overplayed to levels of exhaustion and still Origi didn’t feature. His time here was done years ago, he is just a training body now.


£15-20m looks a little bit too much in this affected climate and with the season he’s had.

Hope he doesn’t get another 5 years on the basis of a few important/cult goals.

I’m also not putting a lot of hope into him replacing the AFCON guys when they leave. Maybe he’s in form then, but even in form… nah, I’m not convinced.

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We are expecting £13-15m for Philips, Wilson, Grujic etc. True, Wilson played a lot; but for a Championship side. Origi has performed, may be not consistently, at the very top level. None of those performances/goals were flukes, they are testament of his quality.

I don’t feel confident about keeping him. Clearly, he thinks he has achieved what he could with Liverpool. A parting of ways will be beneficial for both the parties.

We’ve got one or two players who are getting very comfortable not contributing much but getting decent money for it. Divock is in that category. Any motivated player in his position and of his age would be desperate for a move right now but he got a new contract after the CL win and it’s all got a little bit too easy for him. Shaq is the same. Nice wages, chips in with the odd few minutes game time every now and then. Suits him because of his dubious fitness but it makes it difficult for us to sell. The fact that a player has got to want to move is often overlooked.


Would anybody here go to work for an inferior company, doing more work for less money?



He wouldn’t lose money. If the new clubs wage and signing on bonus don’t cover what he has left on his contract to be paid by us then no doubt there would be some form of payment by us out of the transfer fee to pay what he’d be losing. I don’t actually believe his wage here will be less, at least not significantly, than what he would earn as a main player at a club that can afford those fees. He’s a bit part player, even when he signed the extension he was still back up, and with our heavily incentivised contracts he probably doesn’t trigger many bonuses. I think sometimes we make more of an issue over the wages thing than needs to be made.

It’s not quite the same though. Surely football players want to be playing regularly in stadiums in front of fans, not being extras in training ground exercises.
If I were Origi I’d rather be a regular at a team like Brighton, for example, than rot in our reserves, even if that meant a cut in wages.


At some point fans are going to have to come to terms with how this works.


But you’re not Origi. Only he can decide what he wants to do. If he wants to sit out his contract- which the club gave him- then he is perfectly within his rights to do so.


What if it’s a place you like or you are at home?

Also, don’t think Origi is on some massive wage that a lesser club can’t afford.

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That argument doesn’t work when you’re comparing us to a professional footballer who earns more in a week than many of us earn in a year. Wherever he goes he’s going to be earning very good money. In the very short term yes financially it might be better for him to stay put but surely longer term it’s better to find a club he might actually get a game for? He barely played last season even though we were injury ravaged and pretty shite for at least a third of it.

You’re right of course in that he’s quite within his rights to sit out his contract, not play much and get well rewarded for it. This is exactly my point. Hopefully I’m doing Divock a massive disservice and he’s keen to move on, in which case I hope the club are intent on setting a realistic valuation on him.

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Will Origi’s next club be a step up or a step down from Liverpool?

Maybe he knows this is as good as it gets for him, in his career, so he wants to stick around the big time for as long as possible, especially while he has a contract.

The likes of Brighton, or whoever, with the prospect of regular football at a decent level, albeit a significant step down from Liverpool, will still be there.

We are all quick to question the motivation and so on, and I’m guilty of that too, but there is another angle for me in all this. Origi probably thinks he will never have a better chance in his career to compete for the Prem, or the Champions League, or play with the players that are around him at Liverpool, under a coach like Klopp, so he is riding it out as long as he can.

I want the £15-20M to reinvest in someone else, just as much as any other fan, but Origi holds the cards here.