Ex-player: Divock ORIGI

What a joke.

Completely ignoring the context, which was that Milner subsequently said that Origi had obviously listened, in “he’ll produce the perfect performance as a sub – and you think ‘yes, he was listening after all’”. Yet, you said above

How is this not cherry-picking? And one can’t help but think, give what you’ve chosen to pick, that you’re fitting it into your negative.

And notably, never late. Just there at the right time, exactly as he needs to be. Always. There’s a metaphor here about his on-pitch performance with us so far, but I digress. Still nothing but you cherry-picking once again.

Just like you conveniently missed out the part where he says “you can tell how committed and determined he is by the way he has forced his way back into the team at Liverpool”. Just because it contradicts the point you’re trying to make about the video. I quote this point,

Your agenda in that comment is precisely clear. It is to portray Origi as someone who is lazy and doesn’t care. But nothing can be further from the truth given what kind of player Jürgen prefers. I find it hard to believe that a manager who values hard work so much would let someone so lazy get back into the team despite nearly selling him in summer 2018. I find it hard to believe that said manager would then let said supposedly uncommitted and unprofessional player get a new contract.

We have no clue about what that video is even meant to say. They could very well be referring to his playing style, which no one can even describe as active. Yet you have no qualms, and quite happily, use it to portray despite all else that we can know or infer about Origi, to question his desire, his professionalism, and his commitment, despite direct evidence to the contrary in the very piece that you linked to, slandering his character.

Truly disgusting and despicable, exactly the problem I was describing. People who would deliberately ignore any and all evidence just to feed their perception of a player.


To be honest the way I see it with Origi he needs to be moved on.

Thanks for the memories but we need someone who will push himself into the team or provide from the bench, he isn’t doing that these last two seasons. Last season especially. The WHU game was a perfect example, he literally ran away from the ball and play and not into space.


That could just be him trying to do a Bobby.

If every player in that squad was as anxious and wound up as Milner in that dressing room due to a realisation of the immense importance of winning… then surely it is not a bad thing to counter that obsesion, with someone as chilled as Origi floating around without a care in the world… Blending the personalities of the team is probably as important as harmonising the skill-set…
Lets keep him for at least another season…
Lets see if he can produce some magic again when, and if we most need it :+1:

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I feel the previous season was exactly this what we did, and given our injury problems he should have contributed way more. If he wasn’t trusted last season, I doubt he would be contributing much this season as well.


That’s what we said when he had the 2 horrible loan spells

I like his character and think it gives the squad something else like Lovren the problem is he’s just not good enough for a squad and a team under pressure to challenge on all the top fronts. Then with the 4 infront of him (Salah, Mané, Firmino and Jota) we are not in a rush to get rid of so can sit on our valuation, which seems tobe what we are doing.

Come on mate, this is way over the top.

Origi has become a bit of a mystery, at least for me. He has everything in his locker: a big, strong, fast body, really good close control, good overall technique and a deadly shot. He can read situations very well too, and until the end of the 18-19 season, really looked like he was about to fulfil his potential.

So, what has held him back since? My take is that his problem comes from a lack of confidence in his own capabilities rather than a lack of commitment or professionalism.

He’s a big lad and needs a lot of minutes to gain his rhythm. He’s not the perfect super-sup profile to say the least, and to never be picked as a starter must be a bit disheartening. He’s unlucky because he has such a quality trident of attackers in front of him that it’s almost impossible for him to break through as a regular starter.

He is still relatively young and can yet make an excellent career for himself, but my take is that he needs a club where he can play week in week out. He won’t get it here as long as our front three remains fit, and Jota is now clearly in front of him too in terms of pecking order.


I’d never seen that comment by Milner about Origi thinking he had equalised in the Everton game rather than he’d scored the winner. That was what I wrote at the time. You could tell by his reaction.

One day I hope I get the chance to shake Div by the hand and thank him for giving me some of the best moments of my LFC supporting life but right now I’m really hoping he’s leaving. He’s in the prime of his career. 26 years old, but since the 2018/19 season he has contributed very little. JK didn’t trust him even during that long spell last season when we couldn’t score a goal. I don’t see him as a viable option now. More as someone who is filling a valuable non-homegrown player place in the squad. So there are purely selfish reasons for us needing him to move on, but for the sake of his own career I hope he finds another club and gets some playing time. It would be shame if he stagnated any more here.


This is it isn’t it?
He didn’t displace any of our top attackers even when their form was at rock bottom, I don’t know about anyone else but that is my position as well. He’s not good enough (or doesn’t offer enough) even to displace an out of form Firmino. We need someone who can.
The only way Div gets into the team is if there’s an injury crisis.
At the time of buying and for a few years he was worth waiting on, he had tremendous potential, it just didn’t work out and it’s time to move on. In fact I was surprised he had his contract renewed when it was.

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I agree 181 Premier league minutes during a season where our front three were overplayed, out of form and at points injured, is damming. For a 26 year old player, in his prime he went backwards this season.

None of us know why, but its not unfair to speculate.

I gave my 2 cents why. I think the interview/video does shed some light. If the first words your team mates think of you is “he too lazy”, when they describe you. Its not great in any context. If you need him to score, for you to know he has taken in and understood instructions. Thats not great when he is not scoring.

Its conjecture. Sure. But he has failed to properly apply him self. In games he played he typically looked disinterested. Not a player fighting for his place.

But I accept could equally be confidence like HIYH highlights.

I dont dislike Origi. Always remember him and his goals. I am disappointed as I feel he should be a much better player. His talent seems wasted. I hope he moves on for both himself and the club. When he does move I will wish him well !


He was a star for Belgium in the 2014 world cup at 19, think he scored the winner to get them into the knock out stages. Pretty sure he got young Belgium player of the year that year also.

He was an incredible talent, he has all the raw tools to be a Drogba type striker, yet has never put it together consistently.

It is completly fair based on factual evidence to say he hasn’t got the mentality to make best use of his natural talent, especially considering he didn’t even get selected for Belgium in the Euros… That is a clear decline, when he should be improving year on year.


Played in his proper position he will be a good player for some team, most of his sub appearances for us are in Mane’s position and it’s obvious he struggled there and I think it’s affecting his confidence, I would like to see him moved on to a club that suits his style and be successful.

I did not write that lightly, but to miss all those important counterpoints in favour of a particular perspective is hard to ignore as anything but an agenda, and it is disgusting when that agenda is to denigrate one of our own players in a slanderous manner.

I think this is a huge part of the Origi conundrum. I think it is a common trope that it’s quite hard for young players when the only game time they get is in domestic cup games with a thrown together team, “having to play with the likes of Origi”. Yet, no one ever thinks about it in the opposite way, that it is quite hard to show something if all you have around you are younger players in a team that hasn’t played together before.

That is probably the most correct perspective. However, I’m less fussed about what it means for him than what it means for us. If the best solution for the club is to see him stay, and he is up for the challenge (and the implications of not playing a lot), then I want to see him stay. Certainly it doesn’t seem so far as though he’s pushing for a move away. If everything in Milner’s autobiography is to be taken as the truth, then I can only presume that he’s genuinely playing the long game here, betting that the benefits of staying and training under the current management team is better for his development than perhaps playing 90 minutes week in week out under the likes of Dyche.

Disagree. He did contribute quite a fair bit in 2019/20 as well, most notably the 5-2 against Everton, which leads me to my next point…

This is the same player about whom Jürgen said, the year before:

Div is unbelievably important for us, I was really happy that Mr Martinez was in the stadium because so he could watch this and see his qualities because when he [Origi] goes to the national team he never plays a second.

That’s always interesting when he’s coming back, no game actually so that he was good that he saw that. We knew it before, but if he needs a good feeling, needs to be in a confident mood then everybody knows what he is able to do.

Div [Divock Origi] was always so important for us and it was really nice as well that he can show his importance in a game like this which was obviously very important for us and scoring these kind of goals was extra class.

That was exceptional, the run, at the end it looks easy, it was a sensational pass from Sadio of course but making these two steps between the cetnre half and a goalie, that’s what a striker has to do actually, get that opportunity and then use it so at the end it was not the most difficult finish but there’s still a job to do.

The other one was just a world class goal, I don’t see that often. A good ball from Dejan but not easy to control I would say which shows his technique. He’s scored goals for us from all different angles.

Source is from the Echo, by way of the excellent Liverpool Gecko by the way.

Quite clearly, @Hope.in.your.heart is quite on the nail with regards to confidence. Perhaps one reason why he hasn’t done so well this season for minutes is because when we probably would want to have counted on him to provide the other forwards much-needed rest, it was also a time when we were having defensive issues. And bless him, being quick on the press is quite clearly not one of his strengths, so it made complete sense to not have him on the pitch, except for moments when we needed the extra height (the reason why we loaned Minamino out and not him, supposedly).

Again, I don’t think Jürgen doesn’t appreciate his qualities, I think the shitshow of a season we had especially with regards to injuries meant that he had to be a lot more cautious with what we could do tactically. But he’s also not indispensable, which means the right offer would see him go.

I am just not fond of the way he seems to get scapegoated a lot. Or where people peddle discredited myths about him, or any other player. Some players are just better, it is true. But we can stick to the facts about the players, instead of dragging in complete speculation that denigrates their characters. I think our team deserves better than that.

What like we’ve tried to sell him every summer for the last 3 years and not found a buyer?

Klopp is a company man, of course his comments will be positive for Divock. The actual evidence shows that despite him being fit for most of last season and our front 3 completly over-played and burnt out he still did not start. That is Klopp telling you something.


Replying to you more directly, since there are still so many contentious points in your post.

Why is it not unfair to speculate? And even if it wasn’t unfair to speculate, you have gone well above and beyond the realm of speculation, which is all the more galling considering how most of your other posts have been well-reasoned.

You were not speculating, you were deliberately ignoring parts of what you cited, and cherry-picking only the pieces that suit your agenda. That is completely different.

So we can take Fabinho to be weak then? It’s what they came up with. It’s not good in any context either. Or that Milner is the strongest player on the squad? The reality is we have absolutely no idea what the context is, and despite what you say, there is a lot of importance that comes with the context.

So if he looks visibly upset and cries and throws a tantrum it’s all fine then? Speculation here, it all boils down to his character. If we read everything that Milner has said about him, it’s quite clear that mentally on the pitch, he’s just focused on playing the game. Nothing about working hard or being lazy or showing fans how much he cares. Just because you don’t see it happening, doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

In fact, you still haven’t addressed the fact that you completely ignored what Milner has said about him in this area. That he is fully committed, despite what he looks like. But sure, let’s go with your perception instead of more reliable first-person testimonies, because obviously your impression is so much more insightful than someone who trains with him every day.

Have we? It’s always been that we would sell him, at the right price. It’s not any different from anyone else in the team, it’s just that their price varies.

Yes and we all know that he schemes out what he’s going to say in the post-match press conference long beforehand to suit the Liverpool agenda.

Something which I’ve already addressed and you ignored.

Yes we have actively tried to sell him. Which is vastly different to us being open to offers for players at a certain value.

I’m done anyway, you are entrenched in some sort of warped love fest for Origi and a bit bored of these types of circular arguements with some posters so entrenched its just a waste of energy. They seem to becoming more frequent on TAN sadly.


I’d love to see some of these links, because i cannot imagine that if we really wanted to sell him he’d still be here.

You see it as a warped love fest, I see it as a reaction to people who are so entrenched in the mindset that he’s shit and we need to get rid of him at all costs.

As I said earlier, he’s a good but ultimately dispensable player. If it suits us to keep him then we should, as long as he’s happy to stay, which he has been thus far.

Who has said he is shit? Looking back it looks like most posters have said he has incredible talent and is wasting it. I don’t see how that is at all unfair.

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