Ex-player: Divock ORIGI

I have a bee in my bonnet in general about people who feel a need to shit on our players constantly. Origi, Shaqiri, Minamino, and apparently now Oxlade-Chamberlain is being lined up for that scapegoat role.

I have a problem with the whole mentality of running after the hot new toy, and forgetting that we have other players too. Look at what’s happening with Mané right now. He’s missed tons of shots, and as some on here would have it, is in a terrible slump and may not recover so we need to buy the latest flavour of the week. He’s had 2 goals in 4 league games for goodness sakes.

You want to ignore the context of the part about training, go ahead. But don’t whine when others debate that.

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Where have I shit on Origi? Don’t project what other posters may have written in response to my posts. I have repeatedly said Origi has all the tools to be great player, but doesn’t have the application - This is factually correct and there are several quotes from players/coaches saying the same. I’m also pretty fair on my criticisms for all.

He played well last night and yet Klopp directly said he was up for sale in the summer and indicated he doesn’t do enough in training to get more minutes. Again thats fact.

Anyway I wont fuel your weird defense of Origi, so I’m out.

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This topic has been done to death in this thread, and in fact is factually false where there is solid evidence not reading some weird shit into what people say in in-jokes.

I didn’t say you did, I was replying particularly to your claim of a “bee in my bonnet about Origi”, which you go on to mention again.

You call it a weird defense of Origi, I call it supporting our players.

Again ignoring the context of what he said. Did you even watch the interview? It was a direct question from James Pearce about whether Origi did anything special in training to get a start for the first time since January, after having been left out of the match-day squad for the last 3 games. Hence “nothing really special”. He then goes on to talk about how hard it is to get into this team, a point that he’s reiterating from earlier in the interview when he talks about how good he thinks Origi is.

The point of him having been “up for sale in the summer” as you say, was because of game time, really. Jürgen explains it while again repeating how hard the competition is, with the context of Origi needing to get out and play more football, a point that many others have made here in this thread. He follows it up with how the competition was why “Div was not in. He did nothing wrong. He trains, he gives everything, and sometimes you still don’t make it into the squad that really can happen.”

If you or anyone wants to see Jürgen’s words for yourselves, you can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lf30ac12cjI


i’m waiting for the
“don’t you see that klopp is obviously trying to sell a broken product…” :laughing:


I dont mind praising Origi if he plays well. Heck as long as he wears the Liverpool Red , he has our support for sure. I will ask, can he actually keep at it and perform this way off the bench for us moving foward. Because that is when it will matter the most. Already looking at the fixtures coming up, he has plenty of time and matches to get more appearances and more chances to be a contributor in terms of interplay and being a foward threat.

Recent history has shown us its the consistency that is the concerning aspect. IF he shows consistency off the bench to be that presence and help get the wingers into good positions then he would have done his role. If he shows lack of touch and enthusiasm to affect the game as was the case much throughout last season then , you will know why we should sell him.

Right now im hoping Origi can be better and show some improvements like against AC Milan when he was on the pitch, because the way Mane has been playing needing about 12 shots a to score and missing open chances, would be good to have Origi more involved and more fired up.


So you’re saying Klopp picks players based on their training levels?

So by that principle you’d say he doesn’t start players based on their training levels?

I don’t read too much into Klopps comments.

What I would say is a player cramping up after 64 minutes does show a lack of physical conditioning. (Pushing themselves longer and harder than they are use to)

When he gets another chance I think it’s fair to say he can’t come off for cramp with a third of the game to go.

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I’m hoping Origi turns it around and becomes the proverbial new signing. Considering we didn’t actually sign anyone outside of Konate…
A willing and motivated Origi can help give the the front line much needed rest.

And who knows. Maybe that combo with Salah Jota and Origi can be a legitimate option for some games.

Being hopeful.


That clearance towards the end was good. I am slowly getting optimistic hoping he’s motivated this season.

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He can be our fifth-choice forward… or fifth-choice centre back (although Nat might have something to say about that)!

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Dare I say… Backup right back?

Origi with zombie mode off is a joy to watch. :pray:

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Eat your heart out, Mikey.

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‘nomadic striker’?


naybe because he always drifts away from where he is supposed to be?

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“Divock is one of the world’s best finishers, and we’ve worked with quite a few at different clubs, but he’s absolutely a world class finisher.”


Are we sure which Pep is doing coke?

And which “different clubs”? Porto, Liverpool with Firmino’s finishing and NEC Nijmegen?

What’s he finishing? The boss level on Mortal Kombat?

You are mean @Zoran @Kopstar :expressionless:


To be fair when he shoots it’s always quite a good effort.

The problem is him actually getting in any meaningful position to do so.

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