Ex-player: Divock ORIGI

So you’re telling me Ekrem Konur is unreliable?


Except that’s not how it works is it? It’s easier to pile in goals once the first one has been scored.

So basically you’ve got a preconceived bias without any actual solid evidence to back it up except vague impressions of things that don’t actually fit but you force to fit your agenda.

I don’t know who that is. I’m not that clued up on social media like you are sorry.

Regardless, my original point was that he was casting aspersions on Origi’s motivation, suggesting that he can only be arsed to perform well to get a new contract offer, and that he rejected the move. All evidence seems to suggest that any offers that have ever been made for him were rejected by the club. Not him, unlike what was stated here, as plain fact:

Well just adding 2 and 2… Spooky co-incidence?


Why not?

Neither of you have cared to address my point that if he was lacking motivation before, Jürgen would have eased him out of the door already. Nor that Jürgen himself stated that the problem for Origi has always been that his competition is really tough. Nor that again, the manager himself stated that the first chance that Origi got this season wasn’t from being better than he normally was in training, but just that he got a better chance to evaluate Origi during the training sessions they held during the September international break.

But sure let’s just make up conspiracies, shall we?

2014/15 (on loan at Lille)
Games played: 44, Minutes Played: 2928, Goals: 9, Assists: 4, Mins/GC: 225

Games played: 34, Minutes Played: 1669, Goals: 10, Assists: 3, Mins/GC: 128

Games played: 43, Minutes Played: 2081, Goals: 11, Assists: 4, Mins/GC: 139

2017/18 (on loan at Wolfsburg)
Games played: 37, Minutes Played: 2375, Goals: 7, Assists: 3, Mins/GC: 237

Games played: 21, Minutes Played: 668, Goals: 7, Assists: 1, Mins/GC: 84

Games played: 42, Minutes Played: 1409, Goals: 6, Assists: 4, Mins/GC: 141

Games played: 17, Minutes Played: 536, Goals: 1, Assists: 2, Mins/GC: 179

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I’m just joking, I googled Wolves offer for Origi and found that random Turkish journalist… You take this far too seriously. Are you Divocks mum?

I really hate it when people cast aspersions on the motivations of our players. This tends to be all the more so when it comes to the easy scapegoats. I was defending Shaqiri all summer as well, does that make them brothers? Likewise for Sturridge, a lot of people keep bashing him over what Gerrard said, without pausing to realise that when you’ve become that injury prone, it gets really hard to trust your body to do anything, and that’s probably why he had that mental block. Jürgen himself acknowledged that issue and said that they were working on it.

That said, I even defended Sakho, but look where he is now…

First off, none of us knows Origi (unless someone does, but I doubt it) so all we are going on is what we see as fans, and then chewing the fat with all that on a football forum.

My take on Origi is that he has all the athletic gifts to be world class, but the application isn’t consistently there at the highest level. This is not based on having inside knowledge of contracts, or solid offers, or sitting down over a cup of tea with Big Div to talk it all through! It is based on watching him since he has been here.

He has scored some important goals for us and is well loved, and rightly so. At the same time he is our fifth choice striker, and rightly so, and if we buy another striker he will likely go further down the pecking order.

I won’t go further and stick the boot in or cast aspersions on his character. He is a likable and chilled out fella. His talent level is very high, as are his athletic gifts. His application hasn’t been consistently high, and for all the cult goals and so on, there remains, at least for me, at least a slight longing for what might have been.

At some point he will be sold or will move on, like all players. He will always have a special place in our history and folklore.


Definitely something upstairs that has prevented him developing further IMO. There’s a clear lack of effort on occasion and there’s also those sit down injury protests he does.

Still, his ability to score crucial goals is unparalleled. Nuts really. I’m kind of coming round to just accepting him for what he is. He won’t ever be contesting starting positions against our current front 4 but when you need a goal he’ll do nicely. There’s almost an inevitability to it now.


I’ve heard it said that he is so laid back that on a couple of occasions he has even turned up at the airport for an away game in Europe, only to discover he had left his passport a home.!
Even to the extent that the first thing he is asked by Jurgen and the staff nowadays, is if he has got it on him, and to hand it over for safe keeping until boarding…!
Luv the guy to bits for what he has brought to our incredible journey under Jurgen though :0)

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Isn’t he doing a degree in psychology?

Really? Wow fair play.

Does the curriculum cover pressing in football?

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It’s possible to be clever and scatterbrained.

I’ve just locked myself out of my flat.

I’ve done that. I’ve also managed to lock myself in my flat as well. :man_facepalming:


Boris Johnson.

We’ll need something on the clever part…

Is the answer to which question?

Clever and scatterbrained.

Compared to what, a chair?