Ex-player: Divock ORIGI

This was a critique of Carragher a few games back, we stopped passing with pace. We did that a lot more yesterday, Origi’s cross was a perfect example of htiting it hard and first time rather than take that extra touch.


Yeah but that is really not difficult when you have space. In a lot of games, we didn’t have it. Or better to say, we failed to create more space and exploit it.

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So it is difficult?

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Colectivelly, we made it difficult for ourselves. Origi’s assist was good, but that’s not too difficult in open space.

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He wasn’t in open space!
It was a tight situation that we played through with skill and guile and Origi played the cross/assist with his 1st touch. That’s just not easy!

EDIT: there was soo little space that if he had taken 1 touch more it wasn’t going to happen!


Okay. :slight_smile:

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He actually lost the ball moments beforehand which was honestly sloppy.

While it was a great cross and he did look a bit brighter last night he’s still a long way off looking like a player we need IMO.

Also worth noting that Leipzig have basically ignored any tactical advice on how to play against us twice now. There’s no way we would have got that opportunity against Fulham (for example)


That I agree with but trying to down play such a players good points in a game is nigh on rediculous, I hope you agree.


That’s the issue with Origi. His great moments, and oh my what great moments they are, are stitched together with really long periods of just stuff that is way below par for a player at the level we want.

It feels like we have to carry him for several hours before he can give us one moment of real quality.

But I cannot deny that the cross last night was a real beaut.


He probably mis-hit it. :joy:


Didn’t intend it at all!!

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And those moments are rare, too. Not often enough to be kept around, I’m afraid. Pretty sure these are his last games for the club.


:joy: Hit and hope, he clearly didn’t look beforehand.

That’s fine, I used to do t myself as if there was some magic sixth sense to things.

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I did unfairly have the first thought of “was that a shot” … obviously after some celebration and thanking God that Mane is back scoring!


It was good play by Origi, but let’s put it into perspective, that Leipzig side would be bottom 6 in the Premier league. Their defending in both legs was atrocious.


Big Div plays best instinctively. When there’s no time to think. That move yesterday was begging for the cross to be put in that way. He delivered.

Give him time to assess his options, and that midas touch seems to disappear.


While everyone continues to criticise Origi and a lot of it is more than justified, I won’t argue against that, let’s not forget how poor Mane was last night. At the moment, he looks half the player he was. I wonder if COVID has affected him more than we realise.


Mané imo always missed the easy ones but scored the difficult ones. At the moment he doesn’t score either he looked a clown last night as did Salah I thought I was at a circus. Yet both scored in the end, let’s hope it’s a turning point.


Well they did beat Man Utd as did Sheffield United, seriously though 10 teams in this league are below that quality.

Origi still isn’t the answer bar to rest players if the game is in the bag, his WHU performance shows his level and he actively ran away that game.


At some point in my life I hope I get to meet Divock so I can thank him in person for giving me some of the greatest moments in my Liverpool supporting life, but I really hope he’s not a Liverpool player next season. The best thing about his assist last night is that it might help persuade someone to take him off our hands.