Ex-player: Jordan HENDERSON

Henderson also knew that these criticisms would come, obviously. He was fully aware of that and still decided to say fuck it and go for the cash. Fair enough, priorities I guess, but then he has to live with that and what some people think about him. He’s a grown-up that made a conscious decision, has to deal with the consequences, good or bad, like an adult.

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He’s prepared.



I’m just astonished at how badly that video has been greyed out. If they had done the whole thing in greyscale, no one would have noticed. What a Mickey Mouse outfit.

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Maybe that’s the point? Show everyone that they can just do that.

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What? Being shit at video editing?

No. That the Western liberal ‘values’ can be bought off just like that. Money and boom your rainbow is grey. Expose the hypocrisy, show your power. They want it to be noticed.
He’s a marketing coup for them if you ask me.


It’s really sad that this is the one bad decision that someone has taken in what has been a great career so far.

And this being a decision which has shown him to be a hypocrite and make quite a lot of people lose all respect for him.

I hope Hendo is happy with the money he makes.

And for people thinking he’ll speak out against the Saudis after retiring , there will be legal clauses in the contracts which prevent him from making any such statements.

I think the Saudi’s will have had some say in the matter, and would have been more than happy to welcome one of the biggest clubs in world football to help ‘improve their image’ shall we say?
Like it or not we’re in Saudi and we didn’t march in un-announced or without consultation at the highest level.
I’d have thought some of our fanbase would find that pretty hard to stomach but I may be wrong.

The whataboutism in this thread is still going strong.

“What? Your kids watch Disney? Did you not know PIF owns shares. Lol at you criticising the execution of gays you massive hypocrite”



Seen similar stories published by the broadsheets as well as Sky Sports re Hendo and the things that happen at Saudi.

I don’t recall so much written about the sale of Newcastle to Saudi however along these lines. Or did I miss it?

Seems to me the media have no issue with cracking into individuals.


Why would Henderson care what the rest of us think,we’re not going to meet him and if one of us did it’s unlikely we are gonna say much that he can’t just walk away from.He is now making probably 4 times tax free what he was making with us,essentially 8 times his take home.No matter what we say,there’s not many would give up that chance.Yes he already has a huge amount of money but i’m sure in making the decision to go over there he already said that to himself.For that price he is obviously willing to take a hit to his reputation,i think most will be more disappointed than hating on him though.
The money will be the only deciding factor in his decision,this will be how he justifies it to himself but if he genuinely supports LGBTQ+ rights,then he has to live with the decision he has made.

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It obviously hasn’t been for Jordan. The Saudis knew his stance and still went for him. :nerd_face:

He’s fair game for them in my opinion. Positioned himself so openly as an ally on certain issues only to then prove that his supposed allyship can be bought off.


I’ve just been to Liverpool One and Henderson’s picture hasn’t been taken down yet from the front of the Liverpool shop.

Told the players according to the Athletic that he didn’t want to hold the team back……

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What a selfless gesture


Between this and the Mendy thing I don’t know what to believe in anymore, but Trent in the goodbye video sent me.

Really curious to know if it felt as abrupt to the players as it did to us, whether it’s something that just happens when people move on every summer or whether it came as a shock too. We’ll never know, I suppose.

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100% he got himself fit during his holiday after being a chubber blowing out of his arse last season, walked into Klopps office full of beans, Klopp told him he’s no longer 1st choice, he’s seen his ass and made an absolute fucking stupid decision which he’ll regret to the end of his days. He’ll have the money now but when he’s old he will regret it all.

He can get to fuck, giving your voice and support to groups who need it and then betraying them for money and ego. What a twat.

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Over there, they love God.