Ex-player: Jordan HENDERSON

I haven’t seen is farewell video, I wont watch it to be honest. Why?

Simply because I’m not sure I can believe what he says anymore. But he’s gone now and being honest I wont be making any effort to follow what he’s doing from now on in. I’m a bit more concerned with the overall direction that football is moving to be honest.

Thanks for your service in those 12 years. That’s it.

I suspect or accelerated midfield succession might make things a tad more difficult this season but we’ll see. Maybe fresh legs will make a huge difference, but I do worry that the tactical cohesion won’t quite be there.


Whatever he’s said would have made sense had he chosen to go to MLS etc. He can’t be saying that when he’s earning 8 times his current pay in Saudi Arabia.

Anyway, He’s represented his club very well in the time he’s here. Both on and off the field. I’d wish him the best for that.


But why would anyone speak out for causes as if they then make a decision that goes against that cause they get lambasted just stay stum and no blowback

Alternatively, dont sell out over your principles?

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Who said he still doesn’t believe in gay rights?

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He might, just not enough to refuse a personal pay day from a regime who imprison people over it, which makes anything he ever says about it pointless


what she said yes GIF by TipsyElves.com


Interesting choice of words


Like i said - timing was shit.

After 12 years at the club and as captain you don’t decide to leave a week after start of preseason.

I know there was no Saudi offer at the end of last season but Hendo could have indicated that he is thinking about leaving already.

I’m sure Klopp would have preferred to keep one of Henderson or Milner - especially for the stuff off the pitch.


So is there only ever 1 good time to leave then, which is 30th June of every year? Nothing wrong with the timing, still gives us plenty of time to act…whether we choose to do so or not is another matter.

Maybe Hendo never had any intentions to leave until that mind of his was put into a state of confusion and bewilderness with all the money that was on offer?

Read Gerrard getting that managerial post.

So therefore do they want people in high profile jobs or with media access highlighting and supporting their issues? If Jordan carried on speaking out from SA, not saying he will, would that not be great publicity, hasn’t all this been good publicity in that it has been one of the talking points, again highlighting SA’s injustice/persecution against gay rights?

Also maybe Hendo did look at the new signings in his position and did think they were the way forward and therefore he would become a bit part player at his age and not offer the same quality.

Maybe he recognised that he couldn’t compete at the same intensity or maybe it was just the money.

He could have realised that he couldn’t compete at the same intensity and, a) played a support role to the youth in cup games like Milly did, or b) rejoined his childhood club Sunderland and help them improve.
Either one would have been noble and honourable.


But none offered to pay £700k a week, that’s the harsh reality of it all…sentiment went out of the window when greed was allowed to raise its head.

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I think we forget Henderson played silly buggers with his contract renewal two years ago, threatening to quit if we didnt match his terms. The club buckled and offered him a contract he wasn’t worth.

He was put on a pedestal that he didn’t deserve to be on, and that leads to added disappointment when things like this occur.


This is what social media said but I don’t believe it. :grinning:

This is such an unrealistic hypothetical.

You have to be conscious of spin in the aftermath, but the piece by Pearce in the Athletic portrays a situation far less dramatic than many have projected. Klopp viewed Hendo as a player with a much reduced role this season, and had told him as much. It was that which opened the door to him considering leaving. The fact he went to Germany in the first place seemed to belie the idea he was trying to force his way out of a situation where he was still integral.


He could easily have taken a transfer to Sunderland or even to Luton if need be. I would think that the club wouldn’t even have asked for 12m had it been an English club approaching them and Henderson expressing the desire to go.

Liverpool felt entitled to the money only when it got known hendo was getting the equivalent of 700k per week.

If you can pay that for a player , you can get the money as well for the transfer.

I’ve said for years that Sterling was an objectionable hypocrite.
Happy to take all the pats on the back for his high profile stance on “any form of discrimination”.
Equally happy to take £200k a week from Abu Dhabi

Henderson trumps him 10 fold.