Ex-player: Jordan HENDERSON

Easily. And any criticism coming his way is warranted. He can’t PR his way out of this.

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I don’t think Henderson would’ve taken their offer of £70 a week

Imagine expecting someone to live on £3.6 million a year :roll_eyes:


£3,640 on the other hand…


I naively assumed he meant 70k.
Every day a school day

This one is even better… pretty much sums him up.

Can’t see that happening. He’ll disappear into the aether taking his 700k per week and be a good “pro”.

I wonder if there’s any contract clauses to that affect? :thinking:

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Contract line 1, subsection 1, clause 1. You must not say anything that’s even vaguely against the medieval views of our society, club and government.

There’s no way Henderson will speak out about the Saudi leaders while he is getting paid. MBS put loads of his own relatives and rivals under house arrest, and some of them have not been seen for quite a while now. What happened to them? If what he was willing to do to Khashoggi is anything to go by, it doesn’t look good.

Hendo will keep his yapper shut, train, play, and collect the dough.

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He won’t speak even after his contract ends. Non disclosure clauses would have been inserted.

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Do you want to keep you head attached to its shoulders clauses are likely the more relevant ones


He who pays the piper calls the tune?

It’s not about being paid, but about not crossing MBS while being physical present in his country. Or even in the case of Khashoggi or Salma al-Shehab having previously done stuff to promote criticism of him and then set foot in his country.


Seems likely

WWE have been back several times since 2019 so I struggle to think it was as big an issue as the story makes out

Yep. They even had women’s matches there.

See he has been made captain for his first game in a Friendly .