Ex-player: Jordan HENDERSON

Wondering if Jordan deserves his own thread here tbh. Would be better to keep his Saudi scum stuff in a generic thread alongside the latest batotelli batshit and Diouf disgraces.

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Lmao what a pile of drivel and shite ā€¦but one question that arises from all that , if they have not said he can say this and not that ā€¦then why has he stopped talking about his beliefs ?

And yeah Jordan we all believe you that itā€™s wasnā€™t for the money, and the money is not as much as you say it is ā€¦I mean who wouldnā€™t be excited about playing in a league that is below Scottish division 2 standardā€¦and to work with the amazing football manager that is Gerrardā€¦another fuckwit like yourself .


build the league

So what Henderson is saying is that he wants to be part of the multi-billion pound sportswashing project.



Heā€™s turned into a hypocritical cunt. But while he was at Liverpool, he was the model professional and a captain who won it all.

He deserves the thread for what heā€™s done at Liverpool and all the criticism he gets on here for his move to Saudi alone.

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Absolute disaster, isnā€™t it.

I donā€™t really mind what heā€™s said about the club and leaving; must be hard to accept that youā€™re not good enough anymore to play regularly for a club youā€™ve given your absolute everything to. Even if his chronology is slightly off, which Iā€™d guess it is.

But the Saudi stuff and the LGBTQ+ stuff is just so difficult to read. He clearly canā€™t or wonā€™t think about it with any wider thought or critical view.
Heā€™s just like a big dumb dog happy to do his tricks and feel the affection of the people giving him his treats without a care in the world about anything else.

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If he wanted to be part of something new,to watch it grow and to keep his england ambitions alive iā€™ve no doubt he could well have joined Luton or Sheffield United and helped them remain in the PL or he could have signed for any 1 of the clubs at the lower end of the table,except Everton .

Wonder why he did the interview? Surely shutting up for a few months would at least let the sand settle.


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And the serious point, Iā€™m now deeply cynical about all his LGBTetc antics now. Conveniently dropped now they donā€™t serve his purpose.

The ultimate non-apology


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Its one of those situations in life where in the back of your mind you know exactly how you are being used but its more convenient not to actually fully think about it.

Jordan buddy: They bought you for exactly this reason! Because it shows that anybody, no matter what they believe for or fight for, can be bought if they are flashed enough money. Which is exactly what has happened here. Even if you try to twist the situation to suit yourself. Youā€™ve just proved their point.


A time will come when heā€™ll regret this. When he has more money that he and his family can ever spend. When he sees lesser players return to Anfield as heroes. When he thinks of his legacy and how he has used his profile for good and bad

Iā€™d also like to say that its known as ā€˜coming to the end of your careerā€™ when you come on from the bench. It happens to everyone. Clearly he hasnā€™t accepted his career has reached its twilight. Having played in the Saudi league, heā€™s probably seeing that now.

Will be interesting to see how much England game time he gets playing there (though I know its really not about England game time - his ego is bruised because he is no longer that important at either a domestic or international level)


Lets not get ahead of ourselves here. Will Salah be a legend if he goes to SA next season? Why would that be different to Henderson?

If Henderson is treated differently when responding to that question, are we treating him to a different standard because he stood up for LGBTQ+ rights and Salah (afaik) hasnā€™t and is that fair?

I donā€™t think Henderson should have his Anfield reputation damaged because he eventually left, nor do I think that about Salah.

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Thatā€™s exactly why, mate.

The reason his reputation is damaged and Salahā€™s would not be is because of the hypocrisy.

At best heā€™s been a hypocrite and sold out his beliefs for a big fat pay check.
At worst he cynically used communities and causes to build his reputation and personal brand wherever he saw possible, without any genuine care for them and then turned his back the second a better opportunity came along.

I personally lean towards the first one.


Iā€™ve no doubt plenty of people in many different professions would have done what he has for more money.Iā€™m not making excuses for him or accepting that itā€™s ok to pledge support/loyalty/allegiance for something only to throw it away as soon as more money is thrown about.The problems is we hold them up as something more than what they are.Maybe because of what they have said and done but also because we have become attached to them as they are part of the Liverpool FC family.We welcomed them into it,got caught up in their lives,learned more about them than we should.We need to be careful about who we place on that pedestal as the majority have the potential to let us down.Theyā€™re only footballers.We move on to the next one,itā€™s the club thatā€™s important.

And he doesnā€™t give a toss what people think, because heā€™s being paid tax free millions. But itā€™s not about the money, itā€™s about building the club and the league. What drivel? Iā€™d have more respect for him if he just said ā€œYeh, Iā€™m here for the money, so whatā€.


Just read is big interview with the Athletic.

Jordan ā€œI felt as thoughā€ Henderson.


No one would give a shit about Henderson moving to Saudi if he hadnā€™t made himself into a supporter of LGBTQ causes.

The fact that he has done so and then gone for the money makes him one of the twoā€¦ either he wasnā€™t a supporter and was using that to get moneyā€¦ Or he was a supporter and he didnā€™t think the cause mattered enough

Iā€™m sure at some point he will donate what seems like a lot of money, but really is only some tiny fraction of the money he made, to some LGBTQ charity. And everyone is supposed to clap then.

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Sat in his beach house in Aruba (which heā€™s bought) wondering which car to drive his kids to school in whilst his lingerie clad model wife begs him to get home quickly. Waiting for a call to the manager of his new purchase, Sunderland.

Or he could have a statue outside Anfield. Remember, heā€™s not a Liverpool fan.

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