Ex-player: Jordan HENDERSON


People can go on about his GCSEs and IQ all they want, he doesn’t come across as particularly bright.

There are plenty of managers that do, Lampard isn’t one of them.


My last line may have been missed!

Anyway, Fat Frank did well in his secondary education. Good for him. No tertiary education to speak of, and no postgraduate studies either.

And he is a serial failed manager.

Klopp comes across much more eruditely, even in a second language, and he is of course a successful manager.


Missed intentionally, hence quoting it out :stuck_out_tongue: as Stevie Wonder could see Frank’s a manager well out his depth…but with the way it is in football management you don’t need much credentials to land a job in a major league, so he’s destined for another shot sooner or later.

Put it this way, if he was in a line up of suspects next to say Potter, Southgate, Rodgers, Cooper & Thomas Frank and had to repeat something I heard as my neighbour was being burgled…I’d instantly single him out, even before listening to the others.

Yeah he exudes a deep lack of interest in anything more complex than the most basic football platitudes. For someone who is supposedly of very high IQ (150 is higher than 99.95% of popn), who also received a good secondary education, it is implausible that he wouldn’t have developed intellectually beyond the most basic deprived background footballer. Either it’s all an act or his IQ is overestimated by about 2 standard deviations.


Your point being?

Ncis Los Angeles GIF by CBS

Having a high IQ just means you are good at taking IQ tests.

You can literally practice them, your score will improve.


When I was first looking for a post graduation job I was advised to practice IQ tests as they were a popular way of HR departments of screening candidates. You literally can just learn them. It’s a bit like cryptic crosswords. Once you know the question setter’s rules they are very easy to unpick.


At the margins perhaps and this will be much more impactful close to the average. But an IQ of 150 is over 3.3 standard deviations from average. An IQ scoer of 150 cannot ordinarily be achieved through practice.

Bit like GDPR training :wink:

Personally exams based on memory are a pretty poor way of testing someone’s brain capacity.

I think it showed up how flawed education was during the pandemic, Universities had their issues but it was the only area of education that didn’t struggle on grades and could adapt.

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The way I see it, having high IQ just means how intelligent you are. It doesn’t tell how you use your intelligence, for good or for bad. Or in other cases how you try to make your bad decisions look good and vice versa.

High IQ for me just means you can think well and manipulate things. Just like a lifetime criminal who never got caught.

Shame it never worked out for Charles Manson…or the other hundreds of criminals with high IQ that got caught.

Imagine what world we’d live in if these criminals with high IQ never got caught…jheeze louise.

You could argue the world is in the state it’s in is because high IQ criminals decide what’s criminal and what’s not.

What about low IQ criminals who rise to the office of President and evade the law for decades?

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Can’t become a billionaire by being an idiot that’s for sure,

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Correct but it’s a very good way of finding out who can be arsed to learn.

I’ve come across many degree educated people who didn’t have a single ounce of common sense.


And yet there is so much evidence to the contrary.

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Told this one before. Was installing cables and sample pipes in Ulster University years ago on a heat release test rig. A professor walked past and saw I was using cable ties. Asked if he could have some to secure his wheel trims on. Certainly, handed him a load.

“Don’t think they’re long enough” he said with about 100 in his hand.

A professor with the technical nouse of a chair leg.

So intelligent it must hurt, but equally dim beyond belief.

The stupidity on show in here! At least its an appropriate thread…