Ex-player: Jordan HENDERSON

dead poets society GIF

Spot on

Which video was released first?
Training with his new team mates, or his goodbye video?

Assume he had to get the goodbye video put early given the footage pictured of him training with the new team before the announcements were made this end.


My dad lived in Jeddah for a few years, heā€™s a pilot, flying long-haul cargo in an MD-11.

He fucking hated it, said it was no life at all.


What does it matter?

Training with his new team mates couldā€™ve been filmed and released within 5 minutes this afternoonā€¦

The goodbye video couldvā€™e been filmed yesterday and released 5 minutes ago.

If he cared about gaining a little more respect, heā€™d have made sure his goodbye video was released before the training session even took place.

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Call me old fashioned but donā€™t either the selling club or the buying club announce this kind of thing?

The question really should be how come heā€™s training with his new club when the deal has actually been announced by either club?

Donā€™t know about you but looks to me the respect of those that have lost all respect for him has long gone out the window with no chance salvaging any ounce of itā€¦ā€¦finding answers to trivia (whether itā€™s the one you want to hear or not) will be dismissed.

That as well, but my point stands.
He knew he was going, he also knew he was going to that training session.
He and the club knew the goodbye video was being made.

The right thing to do to make this less of a shitshow on his part would have been to release the video before the training session took place.
It may be that he did, hence why I asked the question.

Whilst he was our club captain and generally top notch, I never wanted to say this. But as he now departs Iā€™m happy to say what Iā€™ve always kept to myself. He really does make Andy Murray sound happy and enthusiastic.

Enjoy the money Hugo, gone but never forgotten.

I only asked the question.

I have zero respect for him either way.

Heā€™s not died Kloppti.

Plus itā€™s a bit hard to film a farewell video if the guys sobbing his face off and we canā€™t understand a single word thatā€™s coming out his mouth.

My son feels the same way about Middlesbrough. Absolute dump.


Maybe I wrote it once, I apologise if Iā€™m repeating myselfā€¦ When he joined, if I remember correctly, our club was after Ashley Young and Phil Jones. Both gave us a swerve when Man United called, we ended up with him and Stewart Downing. I fully remember how second-rate I felt back then. The earliest memory I have of him is him missing one-on-one at Stoke when we lost 1:0. Even though it happened just a few months after he had joined, I thought that heā€™d be another in the line of duds we were signing back then.

Thankfully, he made a career out of proving people wrong and I respect him for that. He turned into a fine captain and I still canā€™t believe that he lifted virtually every trophy on display with Liverpool. I think he deserved a better way out after twelve years, though, not via an announcement on his Instagram profile, not having started training with his new club and not after a dismal final season where virtually every Liverpool fan wanted him gone.

As someone who lives at the crossroads between East and West and who wants to be friends with both sides, I understand Westerners who berate him for taking Saudi money after spending years advocating LGBT rights. I genuinely hope he will not lose his way in that regard and it is something that will impact my long-term opinion of him.

However, I canā€™t stand the hypocrisy that is pointed towards him because, from where Iā€™m standing, itā€™s huge Western nations that are equally responsible for a lot of evil that has happened to this world, especially slavery and subsequent racism and homophobia (gay people used to be executed in England after all), not to mention directly or indirectly killing millions of people in nations like British India, Algeria, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. I canā€™t agree with a lot of stuff that Saudis are promoting in their country but people from the West should look at their own governments first before deciding that some football player is a hypocrite.


Good luck Hendo. Enjoy Saudi and the money. I reckon we will see him return after a season though.

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Thank u hendo, wishing you and your family the bestā€¦thanks for the memories


Absolutely, the hypocrisy is laughable tbf but then again people are only going to indulge in the propaganda they wanna hear then spread the word without really understanding the background behind why and not the reality of life for muslims and arabs who live in the middle eastā€¦.a westerner will never be able to tell a muslim or arabā€™s side of the story who have their shelters bombarded away from them, their food taken off their plates, their clothes torn off their flesh, and left in a humanitarian crisis. This is the fault of the west. Who is it weaponising the terrorist Israeli state to carry out heinous crimes against the Palestinians every day? Who is it that possess and threatens the use of nuclear weapons? Who is the only country thatā€™s ever carried out on that threat? Who is it that attempts coups and regime changes on countries other than their own for personal greed? Yes the hypocrisy is real and people should realise this before passing on judgement.


This doesnā€™t have a lot of relevancy to Henderson going there or this post.

Iā€™ve got a lot to say on posts like this but I wonā€™t as it will derail the thread and for what he has achieved I donā€™t think itā€™s fair.


The thing is, the British government donā€™t own, or directly control any PL clubs.
Liverpool is not there to burnish the image of any British politician. Far from it.
Western countries are clearly guilty of numerous crimes, of course, but there is a division between the government and the sport whereas in this case the royal family, government and sport are intertwined.