Ex-player: Jordan HENDERSON

well said!!

This close season is an exodus of such gravity a Testament will have to be amended.

What clown has managed this transition.

When was the last time this happened in England? When was the last time a journalist was dismembered alive in England?

Any signs of things getting better in the Arab world?


Wow, we got soft piano with a cello. Beautiful combo! Stunning.

Someone should tell the club that this was never going to fly with the fans.

The only guy that can do one of these corny piano-backed videos trying to tug on our heart strings and actually pull it off is Klopp. He could talk about his morning shit for 20 mins and it would still bring a tear to my eyešŸ˜¢.


Watched the video and one thing stuck out for me: didnā€™t even mention Klopp ā€¦

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Dont think anyone thinks the West has a spotless history. Nowhere on the planet does. Past wrongs do not forgive current ones; we as a species are supposed to learn from the errors of our ways. The debate is not that West is better than East, or more moral. That is far too broad a spectrum to be even remotely approachable as a topic and would quickly descend into a ā€œyou did this but they did thatā€ tit for tat argument about just how shitty people have been to each other throughout history.

Point is more that Henderson was able to ally himself to certain positions and movements and built a profile as a person based on that. He has then pissed that away for money, or at least thats how it looks. If he is openly vocal about his support LGBT+, womens,and workers rights while over there, and calls out the violent suppression of people in Saudi Arabia I will hold my hands up and say he isnt a hypocrite. In fact he will be a far braver man than most if he does call out the executions of people merely for the fact of their existence. If he doesnā€™t then he is a hypocrite for calling out injustices here and ignoring them out there because the Saudis have bought his silence.


iā€™m just happy that Klopp had his road to Damascus moment,
and stopped been loyal to the aging and injury prone midfielders
and brought in younger fresher talent

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Not going to watch his video. Cringeworthy by all accounts. Hypocriteā€¦

Well, ā€œbetterā€ is a relative term. It seems fairly clear to anyone who has followed MBS, the Emirates, and Qatar that each of these nations are steadily moving away from itā€™s regressive history in favor of adopting a more modern approach to these kinds of cultural issues. (Women can now drive and attend sporting events in Saudi, for example.) Not out of any sympathy for those causes, mind you, but rather out of a desire to expand its business interests.

But these things take time. The governments of these countries - as autocratic as they may be - are also beholden to powerful institutions that that want to maintain the status quo. If MBS decided to legalize everything in one fell swoop, there is little doubt that he would receive tremendous pushback and could face being deposed by those interests. So he treads softly and slowly.

Of course, it should go without saying, but his movement on that front doesnā€™t come close to forgiving his horrific crimes otherwise.

As a reminder, it was only 20 years ago that the US Supreme Court held that laws criminalizing sodomy were unconstitutional (Lawrence v. Texas). And it was only a few months ago that a member of that same court said in a decision which stripped the right of women to abortion access (Dobbs) that he believed that Lawrence v. Texas was wrongly decided. There is a reactionary movement now in the West that is trying to strip away those very same rights. Hopefully it does not succeed, as the Dobbs decision on abortion is already having predictably tragic consequences.


Human rights on the fast lane in the Arab world.


The Arab world is not a monolith. But yes, it was long deplorable that Saudi had these kinds of regressive policies.

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He went from being the H of CHAD to captain of the team that lifted several trophies.

Farewell Hendo. Enjoy the petrodollars. Milk that cash cow as much as you can

He wasnā€™t very comfortable with his lines in the farewell video.

Then again, heā€™s Jordan of Arabia, not Lawrence of Arabia :rofl:

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And on a more serious note, good luck to Hendo, and thank you for all the special memories. I canā€™t possibly be salty towards a club captain who won the lot with us.


Hunts for an atlasā€¦ā€¦

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Its embarrassing. The risk of disintegration is high. It started 2 seasons ago, sauted in the Salah/Mane wars.

Will you lot be moaning if the club accepts 40 million of their money for Fabinho or does that not suit your agendas.

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The high-horse brigade would do well to remember Liverpool Football Club has an academy in Saudi. Iā€™d have thought that fact would make their position untenable, although I doubt it will.

Iā€™m really disappointed in Hendoā€™s decision and think heā€™s made a fool of himself but Iā€™m not going to put the boot in given heā€™s run through brick walls for this club over the last 12 years. Heā€™d have been remembered as a legendary captain but thatā€™s out the window now but he obviously thinks itā€™s a price worth paying for the chance to earn tens of millions.
Heā€™s been cheated out of so much by one shower of sports-washers over the last 5 years and now heā€™s jumped into bed with another shower. Iā€™m just baffled by it all.


Loved your passion and attitude and you gave your all whilst wearing our shirt, you led with dignity and we won it all under your captaincy.

You may not be the best footballer but you will go down as a legend for everything you did.