Ex-player: Jordan HENDERSON

Can’t equate Fabinho and Henderson. The club was happy enough to get the money they did for Fabinho.

As far as Henderson is concerned , a club captain wanting to go off and chase the money in the desert. , And becoming a hypocrite in the process.


Hope he gets back, goes to Burnley, and gets relegated with that other cunt Kompany.

Back to Sunderland for repentance Jordan.

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Turns out the players that have moved to Saudi mostly live in Bahrain (as it’s less conservative/freer) and they all commute to Saudi for training/match days.

Also read that Jordan would have to pay tax in his Saudi riches if he moved back (to the UK - not sure if it applies to other nations)


Sunderland could do with a bit of experience, they’re the Championship’s youngest first team squad.



I’m telling you Z, it’s such an obvious move!
No idea why he doesn’t get it.

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I always thought that ex pats still have to pay UK tax on income while outside the country anyway.

Not if you are a non-UK resident whilst earning, which Jordan is. But if he comes back, then taxes will apply for the F/Y he returns in I assume - I’m not an accountant though so might be wrong.


It depends on how long they are away and where they are tax resident.

TBH, if Jordan hates Saudi so much, he should probably regard the tax bill as a price worth paying. It could do a fair bit to rehabilitate his reputation as well.


Yeah that tax hit will really affect him - cost of living crisis and all that - 50% of 350kpw only leaves him £175kpw earnings. My heart bleeds for him,


Our good old friend Andy is back.



Pretty upset to see a great of our club being put through the wringer like he is now.

Ajax move imminent, makes all that bullshit about going out there to grow the game ring pretty fucking hollow.

Sad thing is, his reputation is in the toilet all of his own doing. Fucking money.


Or he was hideously badly advised. It happens, even with seasoned professionals.

I hope it works out for him at Ajax.

Unfortunately, I don’t see it. His legs were gone with us last season and he’s done nothing since then except kick abouts in the sand. He’ll be a free agent again in the summer.


Oh! Not having been in this thread since October seeing my last read post is him explaining how he wants to change the game there and seeing his signing away from the SA League today:

Happy Antonio Banderas GIF

Luckily Ajax have retired the #14.

Even though I dislike retiring numbers, shit idea.

Imagine Hendo wearing #14 at Ajax, Cruyff would be turning in his grave.


A Cruyff turn, no doubt.


Time to come home Hendo lad.

I bet Sunderland would be happy to have Hendo play for them again.

Ajax move makes sense for him at this point. Though it would have been much better for his reputation, if he went there directly without that Saudi episode.


OMG Ajax … :face_vomiting:
