Ex-player: Jordan HENDERSON

There’s a bit of a wanker side to my mind at the moment that really wants to pick his brains apart with regard to him choosing to go out there and how he feels it’s backfired.

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Is he the first and only English player that’s gone out to play over there?

I suppose if there’s a silver lining to all of this, it’s that seeing as he’s this “lead by example” figure everyone speaks so fondly of, then more players in the Prem, especially English, will opt to take a different view if they were given the chance to move there.

Meaning he’s easily led, and his close family and friends are just as stupid and gullible as him?
No sympathy for him.


Mostly annoyingly, I assume that termination of his contract means we lose the sell-on fee that we had in place.

Hendo must be in a pretty dark place, but I struggle to feel sympathy for him.

Well, Hendo is and always will be a legendary Liverpool captain that lifted virtually every trophy possible. If he ever returns to Anfield as an opposition player, he deserves to be received warmly by the fans, make no mistake about that.

That being said, there will always be an uneasy feeling about his move to Saudi Arabia. Sure, it is his life and all. But after having been a vocal supporter of the LGBTQ community, having expressed his support multiple times and in various ways (rainbow laces spring to mind), a move to a country that is probably dead last in regard to LGBTQ rights (or ANY human rights, we could say), can only be regarded as hypocritical. His support for the LGBTQ can now be seen even as self-promotion on the back of a trending topic - easy to do in a liberal western country, where the level of discrimation is insignificant in comparison to Saudi and where he cannot fear any setbacks because of that anyway. But where it would matter the most - in the country where gay sex is a capital punishment offence, if I am correct - he just accepted their money and shut up. When money talks, bullshit walks.

And this is also the reason why there is much less controversy associated with other players moving to Saudi - the likes of Mane, Firmino and Fabinho were not vocal on these topics before like Hendo was. That is why their reputation did not take a significant hit as Hendo’s did, despite their move to Saudi Arabia.


This is sadly not true. Didn’t get the Europa League.

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People make mistakes. The interview with Athletic was utter stupidity.

Leaving the lucrative contract early suggests that he has finally seen his errors and is now trying to rebuild. Some will continue to see him as a hypocrite and each have their own right to do so.

For me personally, I think that redemption can be possible, even if there is some bitterness.

Take one of our great players - Graeme Souness

“The Sun incident — that’s the single biggest regret in my whole life. No ifs, no buts. Whenever it comes up, I apologise for it. That’s all I can do. I know the hurt I caused. I wish I could turn the clock back, but I can’t.”

He has taken ownership of it. He doesn’t hide it or make justifications. Life is never so simple.


Maybe he didn’t realise what a hell hole it was. I can just imagine his panicked call to his agent:

“Did you know that they behead people here? You’ve got to get me out of here!”

“OK. OK. Calm down Jordan. How do you feel about Ajax?”

“Where’s that?”


“What happens to people there?”

“They get stoned…”


Not going to knock Henderson for any decisions he has taken, be they good or bad from an outside perspective - His life, he leads it how he deems fit and proper… he alone gets the rewards, or he alone gets the flack.
What is slightly confusing as a fan of LFC though, Henderson seemed determined to hitch his wary legs, IMO, to the waste of time bandwagon of the Gareth Southgate tenure of the England team.
To me, Henderson leaves an impression that he was more interested in prolonging his International career, than he was in prolonging his LFC career… Unlike Millie did when retiring form the England scene early/ish.
Maybe he thought kicking a ball about in the sand dunes, would preserve his energy and fitness record, to ensure he was available to be called up by Southgate whenever…
At the end of the day, who knows what goes through a footballers mind, when the adulation and highs of playing in major profile games impacts upon an ego, when the inevitable retirement saga is hurtling at pace towards them.

I’m pretty sure Amsterdam is a bigger hell hole :innocent:

Hendo had to buy out his own contract it seems.

And also, I know Bobby and Fabinho and Gerrard all had their detractors when they made their moves to SA but it seems Hendo is attracting more hate than the other 3, it seems throughout his career, for some fans, he just seem to be the easy picking for any criticism. Anytime the team plays badly, its him. Now even with the exodus to SA, the other Liverpool associated players who moved there don’t seem to get criticised as much as Hendo. Not that he does not deserve it, but again an observation of how some sectors of fans cherry pick which players who deserve more criticism.

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Not so.
They’re all cunts




Will be fun if he has an attempt at learning Dutch with his Sunderland accent.

A combination I never imagined.


One of the funniest TV moments spring to mind. Im sure @Dutch remembers it well


Or, like this guy catching the Steve McClaren bug when he went to Bayern :0)

I don’t believe in karma. I don’t even like the philosophy of karma. But.


Hendon has clearly realised he made a mistake…a bad one, presumably blinded by money, though he was unlikely to be verging on bankruptcy.
We all makes mistakes.not usually like that, but he has woken ups best of luck to him at Ajax.