FA Cup 2021-22... Hope we are up for the cup this season...forlorn hope?

Wasn’t that the game where Ciy’s equaliser and winner in a 2-3 win were both offside?

Everton fans moaning about time wasting…

It’s fucking Borehamwood


Yeah maybe that’s why I am thinking Swansea, won it that season as well. Didn’t VAR get trialled at some point?

If Borehamwood shithouse themselves into the next round, I promise to drive up to Everton & display a huge banner outside Badison with just 1 abbreviated word written in capitals “LOL”

If I was the PL I’d relegate them out of embarrassment.

Rescind that apology and replace it with one saying “well you’d have missed anyhow”


Ah turn it off now

Fuck, Nvm.

Back to The Apprentice.

I’m not watching because I know if I put the game on, the shite will score.

“The game needed a goal” it really didn’t Clive, the game has just lost its 2 million viewers.

I always thought Clive supported Man Utd but maybe it was Everton and he was just a bitter.


Boreham running out if steam…

Ahh! They’ve scored, that’s that then.

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Have they stopped moaning now?

Biggest difference between the teams was probably the goalkeeper. He should have stopped that

I’d love Boreham Wood to score a penalty, after a dodgy handball decision.


I’m missing Roy Keane in the studio at the break

Urgh, ugly goal. VAR. Doesn’t count.

Ha Ha get fucked cry more


No Clive and Ally… rules aint rules…if your shitty…if it hits you on the arm and you play for shitty its not handball…but for everyone else…well what can I say…

A couple of these non-league lads can play a bit!

Tô be honest they really can’t.

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