FA Cup 2021-22... Hope we are up for the cup this season...forlorn hope?

Pathetic isn’t it?

This helps no more than around 5,000 fans :man_facepalming:t2:


Only half decent thing is the kick off time I assume it would have been 5.30pm


What a colossal cock-up. Fucking cunts run the game here.


Just like the country in general, really.


If they tried to pull this shit in France they would burn the fucking parliament down.


I don’t know why people are so surprised, the treatment of fans by the FA has never been any different. They don’t care how far fans have to travel, or how they’re going to get to a game. Their attitude is, this is the venue, this is the kick off time, get on with it.


It was a mistake ever to even consider staying at Wembley and in that area. It should have been built in Birmingham.

They knew this may happen, the two best sides in the country are from the North West, it’s engineering works that are planned, they would have known this for at least a year.

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I read yesterday that Network Rail informed the FA of these planned works two whole years ago. :rage::nerd_face:

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Yeah they are often far in advance of the event, dad worked on railway maintenance


I don’t know what the answer is to this.

I hate the semi finals at Wembley but it’s been that way for years now, we know it’s like that at the start of the season.

This argument pops up every now and again when 2 teams from the same country (England for example) get to the champions league final and fans say “let’s just play it at Wembley”.

I’m sure a lot of planning goes into this and where as the trains not being on is a pain in the arse it’s not like we have no other way of getting there. Is a train really that cost affective any how?

Plus we have supporters known for following the team to all four corners of the globe. Is a 3-400 mile round trip really going to have a huge impact on supporters anyhow?

I’m not sure.

I did used to like the semi finals being played on neutral grounds. Be decent if they bring that back but I can totally understand the FA wanting the semi at Wembley (and the income that brings in) rather than having to hire Villa park as an example which I would imagine would come with a hefty price tag.

If itvwere to be played at Villa, we could get Stevie to whack the heating up to max in the Cheaty dressing room and use any other tactics to inconvenience them.

As to playing it at Wembley? We booked a Travelodge for the CC Final on a free cancellation basis. We did the same for the Semis weekend and have cancelled the Sunday. Mrs CDO is now talking about going down on the Friday so we’re already there.
We’ve also booked for the Final weekend. But we won’t be cancelling that one. It’s Mrs CDO’s birthday ghat weekend so we’ll take in a show and she can go shopping. :nerd_face:

I have never been a lover of the FA establishment. My feelings are that it has always been poorly run and organised, epitomised ever since the days back when they would not appoint Brian Clough based upon his personality rather than his brilliant management skills… If any manager was going to win us another world cup it would definitely have been him…
Instead the FA, since then up to present day have continued to make decisions that have continued to baffle the ordinary supporter like myself… Holding the semi-final games at Wembley must be a money spinner for them they will NOT turn down, with concerns for the supporter and such, being way down their list of self interest.
However, the other side of the coin comes in the form of players that will play in these semi-finals on the supposedly hallowed turf that otherwise will never ever reach a final of any sorts in their career… To them, playing at Wembley may well go on to prove the highlight and pinnacle of an average joe journeyman footballer.
The FA and certain sections of the media have been complaining for a while about devaluing and tarnishing the reputation of the good old FA Cup competition… When in fact, it is the FA themselves that are doing such a splendid job of demeaning the special day out it used to be and how much it once meant to loyal club supporters.


Also better for the environment, but what do I know…

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Club have some tickets left that go on sale today for members who are eligible for them - wish me luck lads :crossed_fingers:


Got one

Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory Charlie GIF


Brilliant Mate. I’ve got one as well. Both of my Nephews who I go the game with have too. Plus Mrs CDO has one for the citoil end. Can’t wait for a great day out at ‘That London’. :+1::nerd_face:


Your our inside, on the ground reporter for the day…:+1::+1::+1:


Any hope for Palace tomorrow…or are going to have to bounce the Chavs again?

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I think they’ve got a chance, Chelsea played 120 minutes and lost on Wednesday and Palace have had some form recently