Fabinho (DM) to Al-Ittihad

Depends on the Dido. Aeneas fucked over one. The other just wanted to thank you but waved a white flag and started living her life for rent.

You forgot the one who made a fortune out of test and trace.

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More worried about dildo.

Where is the football?

I am drunk

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there all at it, so lets give them all a free pass eh?


A crack in oil prices like what happened during Corona and none of the footballers will get paid. There is also a risk associated with this for players.

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No, but I don’t see anyone criticizing foreign players for signing with clubs in the UK or USA, do you?

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Yeah good luck trying to enforce a contract with those Saudi scum. The only thing they understand is a rolled up carpet

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What’s that tweet about ? Why is Fabinho pictured wearing a Liverpool Jersey ?

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#Exclusive: The Vice President of the #Union, ‘Ahmed Kaaki’, arrived in London shortly.

Exclusive: Brazilian Fabinho, player of #Liverpool club, is on the radar of #Al-Ittihad club.

I think I am going to invite more Saudi Arabian Liverpool fans to come join this forum. It would be a great coup and They would love the discussions here.


Eddie Murphy What GIF by Amazon Prime Video

This will again come across as whataboutism again but I still ask, I am not going to say that the criticisms against Fabinho and Hendo are not unwarranted. They have every choice as millionaire players to make a statement or just refuse to go and our club could probably just let them stay even if Klopp might not play them often and get accused by some sections of the fan for blocking the development of the squad. But why are only the players getting the heat? The pride groups are blasting Hendo for positioning himself as an ally and then do this. I totally understand that emotion. But this club has put up pride flags, has always officially supported the Pride movement and causes and here they are taking millions and millions for doing business with a SA club. Where’s the similar backlash for the club? Not that I take joy in seeing the club being blasted but lets not just blame the easy target.


Towels. Rolled up carpet.

It is funny how your criticisms of the Saudi royal family veer into anti-Arab bigotry. You can (and should) legitimately criticize the Saudi royal family without using Anti-Arab tropes.


What’s the club supposed to do when both Fabinho and Henderson have made it clear that the Saudi Arabian deals were the only ones they would take ?


Not our headache.

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Refuse and tell them to stay, whether you like it or not since you have a contract? Just like what we tell Hendo that he can issue a statement that he refuses to move and stand in solidarity with the right causes? Why can we lambast players for not standing firm which is fair but the club has all sorts of excuses made for them?

Edit: and to flip it around, what do you expect a player to do who still can play and the club tells them sorry you are not gonna be playing much and we will sell you if a reasonable bid is received? If we want to use the ‘what can the club do…’ vein of reasoning


If you put it like that, Its fair. I expect the club was thinking about having dodged a bullet w.r.t Fabinho. They weren’t going to get the same price otherwise.

W.r.t Henderson , Once it was made clear that he wanted to leave. , The club didn’t hold firm either because again… footballing matters

I do think not letting Henderson leave would have been detrimental to squad morale though and would have a trickle down effect on the rest of the squad.

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Fair enough, don’t get me wrong, I don’t disagree with the vitriol directed at the players. They do have a choice especially financially. I just think that we are taking it all out at the easy targets because we know if we go after the club for this, it’s a demand to pull down alot more than just a matter of principles