FIFA - All that’s wrong with football


thats the only thing to be really scared of…that bright red, lay in bed at night in pain, ‘dont even act like your gonna touch me as a joke’ sunburn…

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Saudi World Cup :man_facepalming:t2:

Well, we knew this wasn’t far away.

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Another winter World Cup , ah we’ll write that season off.

Pretty certain I won’t see it. Enjoy it guys.

Me and Dom will be happily married

Well… that’s another world cup I’ll miss out on… :confounded: :frowning: :see_no_evil: :rage:

It’s a pity that the Aussies didn’t maintain their candidacy, it would have been wonderful to see a world cup taking place there. Do we know why they took it back?

My guess would be after the 2010 voting debacle they felt uneasy coming up against another Middle Eastern opponent that would not think twice about underhanded tactics to ensure they get the vote. Australia, like English officials are probably too niave to be able to properly negotiate and ‘grease the wheels’ when it comes to gaining the votes

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Ah, a real pity. You’d have deserved it in 2010, and you’d deserve it now. But Infantino has other ideas…

Cost I would think… They recently pulled out of the Commonwealth Games hosting because of the expense.


Also, unlike MBS, whatever grease they use will come under public scrutiny.

I might of missed something, but I thought QLD was going to step in to take it after just hosting it in 2014 and with Brisbane having the Olympics coming up, it would be a test run for the infrastructer (which would pretty much all be in place already)

The way they basically went well Spain and Morrocco can share it with games in South America pretty much set it up for Saudi Arabia.

Australia could see a mile off this was a stitch up.

Australia should have teamed up with China :cn:

that was the state government, a world cup bid would be run by the federal government.

the Com games debacle shouldnt be a factor to consider.

australia probably pulled out when the bid organisers were presented with previously unrealised oppurtunities in the middle east

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2036 will be split among the US, Brazil, France, South Africa so that 2040 will be scheduled to go back to Asia and can be awarded to UAE

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It’ll be warm enough in Antarctica by then.

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This sort of complicit handwringing is actually just infuriating. FIFA no longer has any real leverage with Qatar. The event is over. Any progress has already happened.

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And still won’t be given to Britain.

Boggles the mind really

At least, hindsight shows what everyone expected beforehand: FIFA and Qatar made empty promises and neither the one nor the other part had any intention to ever fulfil them.

So, they deserve to be made up as the liars they are. I’ll aplaud anyone calling them out.