Former players and managers - general discussion

I feel like - Klopp, Lucas, Agger only few foreigners join this club and understand and feel this club (and the city) like they do.

Don’t want to hate on them but I just don’t think that guys like Firmino, Gini, Fabinho, Mane have the same love for Liverpool - even if they won it all and experienced all those special moments.


Feel like some of the present crop don’t ‘get us’ in a similar way either…
Look at Diaz, and the recent comments about Barca…
Every time I see Diaz, can’t help wondering when he is going to break out into song -
There lived a certain man in Russia long ago…
He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow…
Ra-ra Rasputin
Lover of the Russian Queen -
There was a cat that really was gone -
Ra-ra Rasputin -
Russia’s greatest love machine -
It was a shame how he carried on -


Now try and get that lyric out of your head for the rest of the day :0)

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Okay: why does Diaz make you think of Rasputin? :man_shrugging:

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To me, he is a dead ringer for the guy that sang it :0)


There is no need to torture a grieving fanbase with reminders of one of the worst songs by one of the worst groups in the history of popular music.

As to whether players ‘get’ the club, it seems like a very subjective judgement and probably unfair on the players involved.

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You mean Frank Farian? Don’t see it tbh.

Sounds very similar to the “tourist fan” rubbish you see.

Anyone wearing a jester’s hat or a half and half scarf should be evicted immediately and banned for life, no matter where they are from.

Anyone wearing both should be subjected to a slow, lingering death, preferably by being given a lifetime season ticket at Everton.

Doesn’t the jester play in goal for them?

We should consider degrees of cultural proximity. For example, someone like Daniel Agger is a lot more likely to fit in like a Jan Molby.

Players from Africa or South America have more of a cultural gap to get across. Even at that point there’s a lot of variety within both those continents, and blanket statements won’t suffice.

Whoever comes to play for us should be great at the footy, and have a decent character, being humble and hard-working. That will go a long way.

As for adjusting to new surroundings, just make an honest effort as that will help you make the most of it all!

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Agreed. Would.just add climate to that list - the extent of the grey damp can be a shock to those not used to (or who have forgotten) it!

Henderson left out of initial Euro squad by Southgate.

Former Liverpool Academy player Steve Torpey is now the Academy Director at Brentford


The irony is that he could have ended this season as a starter had he stayed given the lack of DM options and all those injuries problems.

With both Henderson and Endo, McAllister would have been able to start in his preferred advanced LCM position over certain “young talents”.


Did he actually play?

Nah… He was on the bench