Former players and managers - general discussion

Hope its not Phil Thompson,

they will never fit his nose onto the side of that building! :slight_smile:


Why the hate for Scales?? Classy player.

I was commenting on his fashion sense. My recollection of him was of him looking like he was wearing Barnes’ cast offs.

A peak mid 90’s twat?

Ah fair enough. I got his name on the back of my Jersey from that time.

My favourite player as a kid was mcmanaman but it wouldn’t fit so someone suggested to my mum Redknapp.

I didn’t mind it but I’d rather had my own name.


My Nephews on Sunday with Ricky Lambert. :nerd_face:


Your nephews look more mobile than our erstwhile centre forward.

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Harsh words from Lage for Hoever after today’s defeat. I’m not sure what he’s hoping to achieve there, really.


I saw that and didn’t like it either. Unless Hoever a complete dud in terms of character (he isn’t) all Lage will do is demotivate him and hasten his exit.


Bring him.back here. Versatile player able to cover across the backline and has all the same tools as Fabinho so could be developed into a DM/number 6 option too. Will count as “homegrown” not sure on the club developed rules whether the 3 years can be broken up? Hes done two years with us and theres still enough time to come back and complete a 3rd year here before he turns 21 I think.


I would not be against it. He looked silky as you like when he was here before. I’m surprised he hasn’t done better at Wolves, but then again, if your face doesn’t fit, and it looks that way with the manager’s comments, it is hard to show what you can do.

Lage’s comments suggest that this is more than simply a face not fitting.

Lage says he has a number of young players who don’t train hard enough.

Call me crazy but isnt it his and his coaches jobs to train the players?

Sounds like a manager looking for a scapegoat after the early shine is rubbing off his tenure.

Even if it is true airing such a grievance in public is not a good look.


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Even if Lage just wants rid of Hoever, telling all potential suitors he has a shite attitude is still a stupid thing to do.

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I dare say if he didn’t have connections to here we wouldn’t have batted an eye at such a comment being said of a once very highly rated kid whose career has stalled.


He was the next big thing and then gets sold.
Wonder why!

Because we wouldn’t have heard about it.

But if I happened to randomly see his comments I’d still think he was a wanker.