General world politics chat

I was caught by how bad Malta, Cyprus and Canada were doing until my eyes adjusted to the whole plot.


My wife told me that the incident in Japan involved the use of a home made gunā€¦I havenā€™t read anything else to confirm that though.

The weapon that killed the politician was made using metal and wood, officers said, and appeared to be wrapped in duct tape.

Several other handmade guns and explosives were later found at the suspectā€™s home.

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Not sure how useful these comparisons are. In general, all Europeans behaved badly when in power overseas and thatā€™s inexcusable. However, all colonial powers have oppressed their subjects no matter what part of the world they came from.


That you pronounce French and Belgian colonialism together just shows that you haven"t a clue what your talking about.
Iā€™d also say that you havenā€™t even a clue about the colonisation of india (wasnā€™t Paskistan part of that). Simple question who ruled (i.e who held the administration?

Strictly speaking English colonisation was closer to the Belgian/german models than was the French.

Btw language isnā€™t all!

You forgot to include the French. Whatā€™s wrong with you?

Okā€¦ you really think that Leopold who ruled Congo as his personal slavedom isnt worse than the Brits ?

Or for French colonialism in Africa ?

I despise colonialism in all its waysā€¦but countries have gotten over British colonialism and the African countries havenā€™t even begun to make a stanceā€¦

And German colonialism really doesnā€™t matter in this ā€¦ Mainly because they didnā€™t do everlasting damage to the native populace that the other main colonial powers did

Tell me one country in Africa which was an erstwhile French colony who has broken free of the French influence totallyā€¦

I really donā€™t want to get into the fuck up that UK has done with Indiaā€¦ But on the whole , in hindsightā€¦ Itā€™s still more preferable to the what has been inflicted on Africa by Belgium and France

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What about RHODESIA!!!

ā€¦ now do the same for the UK, not forgetting the commonwealth, what it is and what it stands for!
You seem to have little knowledge of how these places where ruled.
You have no idea about the difference between French and Belgian colonialism.
ou should read up about it all before spouting shit!

The same French Colonialism where they tested nukes in Algeria ā€¦and they still deny the effects on the populace ?

The same Belgian colonialism where they allowed the king to enslave an entire region ?

I find it offensive when you try to tell me what colonialism is. Also , why do you find it offensive when I say

ā€œIn the benefit of hindsight , itā€™s better off that India was being colonized by Brits rather than being colonized by the french or the belgiansā€

In no way , am i saying that the England didnā€™t perpetuate horrendous crimes against India , I can even mention churchill here denying India grain during the world war. But , youā€™ve got a region where by and large , there has been some infrastructure built (if only to serve the regimeā€™s purpose , but still ) as opposed to regions which are still fucked (even more after the colonialism than before)

Again , Itā€™s highly offensive for you to insinuate that an Indian (who has had their previous generations) participate in the independence war to not know what colonialism is.


That you persist to align French with Belgian colonialism just goes to show you know nothing about the general colonialism you spout about.

You make sweeping hypothetical statements that have no historical or intellectual basis.

You donā€™t even take into account philosphies on how colonies where run during different eras. Just general colonisation French = Belgian FFS!

Both French and Belgian colonialism in Africa were fuelled by Slave Trade. Correct me if I am wrong on this.

Both of these two countries did fuck all for the infrastructure of the countries they claimed to be rulingā€¦ Again correct meā€¦

If you can correct me on the above two , then go-ahead

anyone know whatā€™s happening over in Holland, @Dutch ? Apparently some farmers have some issues?

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Commercial fertilizer is energy intensive to produce and industry estimates suggest a significant amount of it is lost in run off. What does not run off can be converted by soil microbes into GHGs that are far stronger than CO2. It does seem like a reasonable target for reducing emissions, except for the fact that it is often one of the most expensive parts of commercial farming. No farmer is content to over use it, especially not in this political climate with severe market restrictions and and cost increases evident as a result of Russian sanctions (they were one of the worlds top producers of commercial fertilizer).

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