General world politics chat

What about it? Rhodesia was a functioning state that should have been a shining beacon of what could have been done post colonization and after it became Zimbabwe and was just that until Mugabe inexplicably lost his shit in the 2000’s. Alot of the working infrastructure dates back to Rhodesian times. Beautiful place, Zim. Beautiful, sad (in some ways) and full of memory. Oh well.


Comes to the thing about what is @Flobs trying to defend.

Reason why i waited so long for responding is more because i felt the need to not respond…

Rhodesia was known as the bread basket of Africa. There was quite a lot of nostalgia for Ian Smith after Mugabe came to power and stoked internecine conflict, seized farm lands, and created a huge brain drain leading to massive inflation, increased poverty, famine, corruption, democratic fraud, intimidation, and civil unrest.


In short: we have a nitrogen problem. Too many farmers and not enough land to farm on. The High Councils of Europe and the Netherlands have imposed on the Dutch government to do something about it and the only way is to buy out farmers and reduce the nitrogen problem.

And although you will not find more millionaires in a profession overhere Some farmers have decided that it is their god given right to be a farmer the rest of their lives

buy out the farmers and do what, exactly? stop growing food? who is going to take it over?

Bill Gates?


are both you lot drunk ?

thou hu shalt not be named

Oh Dutch farmers export the food the grow because they can make more money that way, the stuff you find in Dutch supermarkets is 90% imported.

Well if those farmers who love farming that much and want to sell their stuff abroad they should sell out their farms and farm outside the Netherlands IMO.

Everybody happy

cringe song, but still

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no, I had enough on the weekend.

no different than here, for the most part. Canada mostly farms wheat and grain which gets sold overseas, but very little of our groceries are grown here because it’s such a seasonal crop. We just cannot grow many vegetables and fruit here with exception of a few pockets of land with the right climate and soil .

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I don’t know - referring to question posed in the title. I came across this a while back and am not sure about its full meaning.

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To quote from another post… Darwinning.


I despair for this world

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I was actually discussing the ‘seized farm land’ issue with my mate earlier. Probably, and most likely ill informed and without any facts. From my memory, Mugabe and his followers chased out the mainly white farmers, handing over the land to ‘favoured’ parties. Who, were not skilled/maybe had no interest in farming, which, resulted in food shortages. Sometimes your friends are worse than your enemies.

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Lol, you are pulling up Sithbare for ‘pronouncing’ the French/Belgian Colonialism of Africa being together, I assume this is because you are offended about the reference to France.
Additionally, You refer to the English colonisation as being more aligned to the Belgian/German model. So should I get offended?
You seem to be very good at making statements without actually backing them up and then mock people for actually responding. I am not saying you are wrong but if you are going to make a point please explain why. Why do you think the English model of colonisation is more aligned to the Belgian/German models, maybe even share with us all your table of ‘colonisation models’ :man_facepalming:t3:.
Colonialism is something that at the time was accepted and almost seen as an achievement. In today’s society and with hindsight it is something that was very wrong and for you to even suggest there is a table/model to it or defending the types of colonialism is wrong.
France is as guilty as any other nation of Colonialism/slavery, etc. you can tart it up as much as you like but the bottom line is, France are as guilty as anyone else!