General world politics chat

Confidence appears to be growing among those close to the talks, kind of out of nowhere, that the JCPOA might be back on. Probably just in time for the Dems to lose control of congress and thus their power to ratify the deal.

I fail to understand why Trump killed that program in the first place. really believe that heā€™s been undermining global stability since he got into office. Why the hell would anyone want to allow Iran an excuse to develop a nuclear program??


The simplest answer, and one that explains the vast majority of it, was that it was a signal to his base that he was standing up to Obama. This was one of his key foreign policy positions in his 2016 campaign, and he simply executed on that promise.

There was definitely support from elements of the RW Nat Sec community who are extremely hawkish on Iran and who hated the idea of swapping the prospect of military intervention for diplomacy. These, the John Bolton types, are blood thirsty loons who can articulate their ideas better than rump but still lack any real substance to their arguments. But their existence and promotion by Trump allowed him to something so potentially consequential without much push back.

I think a lot of what he did on the international stage was motivated by currying favour for men he thought powerful enough to pay him back personally, but I donā€™t know that you can explain much of this specific move from this framework. Even Netenyahu, one of his strongest supporters on this, was really only running opposition to it to play to a domestic political agenda rather than airing honestly held views.


So many disasters going under the radar at the moment :pleading_face:

I canā€™t help but feel generally pessimistic about the state of the worldā€¦


Donā€™t worry,the sunā€™s out and we donā€™t need the heating on.


Two peas in a podā€¦

Pity thereā€™s no oil in NK. Would have been so much easy to bribe the cunts there

Just watched John Oliverā€™s Last Week Tonight on Afghanistan.

Parents have been selling kidneys for money to feed families, ā€œa desperate decision that you can make precisely onceā€ and some have sold children to feed others, an ā€œunimaginably heartbreakingā€ turn of events.

Jeez, why does it matter!

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Young woman drinks and dances to music shock!

OWDā€™s get all hot and bothered!


itā€™s pretty grim over there, but thatā€™s the state of that part of the world and itā€™s not going to change anytime soon.

Why is it automatically assumed that sheā€™s taken drugs and whatā€™s the harm in a few drinks? I saw that article and nobody batted an eyelid except an opposition politician (surprise, surprise) who wins points by stirring.

Randy old goats and dried up old hags make up the majority of politicians everywhere it seems, I wish there were more Sanna Marinā€™s in leadership positions around the world. I have a huge crush on her, btw. :blush:


So would that apply to all of the pissheads in Westminister? The White House? Canberra? The Bundestag?

You canā€™t slate someone just for having a few drinks or you would end up with no politician left anywhere in the world (excluding the more hardline Muslim countries).

And they secretly drink just as much if not more (the upper echelons of their society and their ruling classes that is)

They found statistically significant amount of cocaine at Westminster

I wonder what the blue light will showā€¦


Had a collegue a few years ago that previously worked as a cleaner in Westminister, and he said the evidence of coke in all the bathrooms was mind boggling.

And all those found guilty should be sacked.

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Not just sacked, but also arrested. It is a class A so through them all in jail where they belong