General world politics chat

World has gone nuts, WWIII?

I wouldn’t predict WW3 on the basis of a New Zealand election result.

Where did I do that?
Surely I generalised much more if you read!

I dunno, there are forces we don’t understand in operation…

Centre right? Yeats might say that that centre cannot hold

This is too shallow. If you analyse deeper, the cheese involved came from sheep milk and bedsheets made from sheep wool, therefore sheeps are dangerous.

The National party in NZ are like a less evil, less competent Tories.

They didn’t really win the election, Labour Party in NZ just fucked up massively no one could justify voting for them. The justice minister got done for crashing her car while drunk then running away from police. The transport minister was found to have shares in Auckland airport. In last 9 months 6 ministers have resigned due to various things.

Annoyed as National are going to raise retirement age to 67, which will likely be the just before I turn 65. They are also putting in policies that will further inflate the housing market (giving tax breaks to landlords), policies for attracting foreign home buyers. When NZ homes are already vastly overinflated (average salary 70K, average house price close to $1m)

Please no.

It’s an utter waste of resources


You don’t think Modi’s going to pass up such an opportunity of self-aggrandisement do you ?

Olympics , World Cup , Commonwealth Games … scrap the fucking lot.

Yeah. Thats probably the main thing for him.

Even countries like China have fucked their infra spend after olympics , you’d think India would learn from that.

Hope the bid isn’t given.

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TBH that is probably a reasonable policy (albeit I understand how frustrating it would be to be hit by this having planned retirement around different expectations). In Oz we still have ‘54 and 11 months’ public servants who are retiring/have retired on inordinate pensions based on very high percentages of their salary and indexed to the current pay rate of their ‘equivalents’ (who have higher salaries to partly offset the loss of this overly generous pension).

I believe exit polling is showing that the ruling party in Poland, while getting the most number of seats, does not have a route to forming a ruling coalition.


Yep. At least a bit of good news. Personally would love to see the PiS piss off.


There is a well known correlation between eating cheese and increased dreaming.

To be totally honest with you, it sounds like NZ Labour is most like the Tories!

but how else can you get your name, on a plaque, on a wall?

Vancouver never recovered from the 2010 Olympics. fucked it for every single Vanouverite out there, and then some.

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More on the spat between India and Canada. Significant number of Canadian diplomats pulled out at India’s request, though apparently no intention to enforce actual parity on Indian presence here. My suspicion is that the Canadian positions will simply be closed, Department of Foreign Affairs has been under pressure to find budget savings, and the levels of immigration from India have become problematic if we find ourselves in this kind of dispute.

There is a tier of Canadian educational institutions (more colleges than universities) that are really financially dependent on foreign student tuition - and that must be at least a third Indian. I know a program I teach in is over 50%.

I’m aware of those colleges having worked in an immigration company before and processed visas for students.

I’m just not sure what to make of this. On one hand you’ve got Joly meeting with Jaishankar in Washington saying that the details of the meeting would be kept secret and diplomacy is best held behind closed doors.

And on the other hand , you’ve got Trudeau.

I do not think student immigration is necessarily a problem for Canada. It’s the inability of the Canadian govt to insist that the Jobs the students do hold are related to the education they have. This needed to be done a while back.

It’s not as if the majority of the students attending the colleges are the brightest of the lot , they aren’t. But care has to be taken to atleast ensure that the Jobs the students work in needs to be related to their studies. You’ve got too many people from Punjab who have emigrated (both as students and as PR on arrival) and basically find work in their uncle’s taxi company. That’s where the problem happens.

Check the disproportionate immigration from the state of Punjab compared to the other Indian states.

220k visas issued for Indians , 136k are from Punjab. That’s a disproportionate number


Majority of the Punjabis do not even subscribe to this radical movement , but the entrenched khalistanis there have a stranglehold on the discourse and radicalization does happen over a period of time.

It is essentially legally impossible to tie the permanent jobs and the education together, so that is a non-starter. The college programs, as you say, are a far cry from the IITs. These are not the best and the brightest. It is no accident that the two semester graduate certificates are so popular, they are ideal for churning through the time needed to establish permanent residency, in many cases doing as little work as possible. But colleges in BC and Ontario are now financially dependent on them, more or less addicted to that sweet foreign tuition premium.

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