General world politics chat

All other govts basically followed the PV govt model. Even if BJP supporters are loathe to admit it.

I think Bangladesh did go down the privatization route a while back , any tangible results ?

We started liberalisation of the economy under the first democratic government in 1991. Economic progress is nothing short of spectacular. The economy has grown at three times since then.

The social achievements are just as abysmal.


That’s not something which liberalisation aims to provide.

Both can go hand in hand but it’s not always the case and it’s tougher on the subcontinent countries with their population to do that.

More right than center, even when he is trying to shade to the center. Much as I dislike Trudeau, I despise Poilievre - in many ways for fundamentally similar reasons. Poilievre is a proto-Republican populist who has never done anything outside political circles. The ‘business experience’ he loves to fellate himself over was a service delivery company with a captive audience - party insiders set up companies to deliver electoral IT services, riding associations were assigned to a particular company. I had the distinct displeasure of being involved in a Conservative association that was assigned to his. I have been fighting the urge to put my fist into his smarmy face for almost 18 years now.

In the end, he just isn’t a serious person with real ideas or insight into policy challenges confronting us. (example: his views on cryptocurrency came from Youtube

The Liberals do need to go, but the alternative won’t be much better. If Trudeau were to step down, I suspect there are several potential leaders who would direct Canada closer to our traditional center and deliver much better government.

I subscribe to the dirty socks rule of government. If you don’t change them every once in a while, they will start to smell real bad.


I think that’s why I’m wary about a lot of the love for Corbyn. On the “left”, there’s too much hero-worship for some characters, rather than a dedication to ideals. You get similar with Sanders (although he’s a lot saner than Corbyn on many issues), and here, Melenchon as well.

It’s time for people who believe in socialism to grow up and start believing in ideals and values not people.


Speaking of Canada

I believe it. It’s getting very difficult to live here.

As per the Trudeau vs Poilievre debate, I haven’t had a politician I trust to do the best for the country’s own interests for some time. Met Harper in NYC last month, seemed like a much more “real” person than the Trudeau I ran into in front of the NY Times building a few hours later

People keep saying like this is Trudeau’s fault, but the mentality of people don’t change, and how far can you regulate the ‘free market’ and put in more regulation in a ‘free’ country? Even with the failing infrastructure (BC still has it good compared to Ontario) the only promises people want to hear is ‘lower taxes’.

I moved to Vancouver from Ottawa in the summer, and the house search was rough, worse than when I was in Europe. From what I can see what’s crazy is the risk aversion level of some landlords (‘I have to make a profit’) and the quality of their property (‘I can make 3 rooms out of my basement and one more from my garage to make some easy passive money’). And they all told me ‘I can easily find tenants if you won’t take it’. Honestly I can see maybe 3-4 properties out of 30 is worth the “market rate” ($2400/1 bedroom apartment which totally still needs to be much lower) they asked for.

On the other hand, Vancouver is absolutely beautiful. The time zone though… won’t be able to watch a live match 90% of the times.


just the 12:30 games, rest are reasonably watchable with the morning coffee. nice thing is, it doesn’t tie up the whole day.

Yes it’s beautiful here. didn’t anyone tell you BC = Bring Cash?

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A few weeks ago, didn’t we have a game at 4am?

Oh I did bring my cash, they don’t even want it. Admittedly it isn’t in the millions, so that might be the reason.

The lunch hour kickoffs are 430am Pacific, 730am Eastern. I actually like those, because I can watch a game before a normal Saturday constraint kicks in. I watch more of the later ones recorded because of that.

yep, FUBO is set to record and I start watching when I get up around 6 normally. can’t contribute to the in-match threads but they don’t miss me anyways. :wink:

Didn’t the female athletes won most of the medals in the last Olympics?

@Iftikhar , will this have any implications for Hasina in the next elections?

It’s not going to have any implications since there isn’t going to be any election.

She is, as usual, using it for her rhetoric, first blaming the buyers and then the owners. Some facts,

  1. There are dozens of RMG owners in the parliament.
  2. Government doesn’t apply whatever labor laws (wage, health & safety, etc.) there is.
  3. Government officials are heavily bribed by the owners.
  4. The owners pay HUGE donations to her party at all levels.
  5. Her party thugs were used to suppress the demonstrations, several workers were killed.


Mamata in west bengal is using roughly the same tactics as well.

Sad. But it does seem to be a pattern with politicians and more so the Bengali politicians.

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Things are crazy. She has managed to lid so far. But lids are bound to come off at some point and the later it is the more violent it will. It’s scary. It’s unbelievable the transformation she has gone through in the last 15 years; it’s like from Yitzhak Rabin to Fucking Netanyahu. It’s scary.

I’m more worried about Zia’s party coming to power.

But yeah , rule long enough to become a despot seems a thing for most politicians. One reason why I’m for term rules.

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AL is far, far, worse than BNP was ever portrayed as. Thing is, BNP will return. It returned after nine years under dictator Ershad (his party is an ally of AL). But by the time they return it will probably be dominated by thieves and thugs.

It’s not just that AL has been in power for 15 years. There were no credible elections after 2010. So, it’s all thieves and thugs at all levels. If AL allowed a proper election in 2013, they would have returned in 2018. But the country would have been spared from lots, lots, of atrocities.