General world politics chat

I think this is China’s intention.

Which part? Marshall Plan or golbal inferno?

enforcing Climate laws on countries who are still developing allows the developed countries to get off scot free.

Not if they enforce them on themselves.

Sure but the point is that they’re going to suffer the least.

It’s like. I’ve used your resources up to develop myself. I find that my country’s laws don’t allow me to have polluting industries within my borders. But hey , there’s XYZ where I can offset my pollution footprint and get those products done cheaper.

And to boot , I’ll satiate myself into imposing some additional restrictions on them.

Is China still bellowing tonnes of CO2 from coal plants?

Also manufactures close to 40-50% of the world’s required stuff. That’s called offsetting the carbon footprint. Countries world over have allowed China to be manufacturing their requirements , because it’s done cheaper.

The whole offsetting idea is completely discredited by now, surely.

It needs a fresh start with everyone on board, sharing of technology, new ideas for economic growth and so on. The old heavy industries have to become obsolete. SMEs, local based industries, cooperatives etc will have to be supported and promoted as much as possible. Everyone will take a hit, but that has to be more in the rich nations, because there’s no wiggle room for the majority of the world. It’s going to be ugly and there will be large scale conflict because we’re just not ready to make the sacrifices necessary.

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One issue is that.

!. More Environment friendly vehicles are being mandated to be produced in India right now. That’s a good thing. However , with that , comes an increase in price. Increases in Price of Vehicles often lead to increases in price in the general logistical supply/demand shit. The Euro norms have been something which have been imposed on India because what’s being done by the countries before.

Why should India and their billion population suffer because of the negligency of the other countries who are more responsible for fucking over the environment ?

Where’s the element of fairness ?

Long rant short. What’s the offset that previous mis-uses of the environment are going to be compensated for right now ?

This is dead right but maybe 50-75 years in the future, and its clear we dont have that time.

I was about to post something similar. At every level its war and competition holding us back.I just imagine what science could be found if we downed weapons and shared. We could thro cakes!?

I also see Iceland have just installed a huge carbon capture unit - is there a scientific reason for it being located there?

Danger with this is the US just incentivise start ups to place them all around the world and carry on regardless.

The Russians were quietly livid with China about the gross violations of their licensing deals with Russian aviation firms. The Chinese were supposed to be restricted in quantity and use of Russian designs. Instead the Chinese have radically upgraded them with much better avionics/electronics, and produced far more of them. Chinese still haven’t quite got the turbofan engines down so they still import those, but otherwise Western observers believe the Chinese 4th gen derivative aircraft outperform their Russian equivalents.

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Vast amounts of close-to-free geothermal energy.

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Absolutely. I still remember a conversation with a poultry importer/farmer in Africa and it came down to the topic of calls for land to be used for vegetables rather than chickens or cows for meat. Because the former uses lesser water and is friendlier to the environment. And he said along these lines 'so these buggers who for decades and centuries enjoyed meat and destroyed the environment, and when the poorer nations in Africa, their people starts being able to enjoy meat, has to help control the damage these buggers did and not enjoy the proteins that they finally can afford?"


Russia knows this, am fairly certain the only reason they’re still in Ukraine is the support from the Chinese. China gets cheap oil, Russia gets manufacturing.

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ANC has collapsed in SA - might affect BRICS in time - looks like a coalition is inevitable.

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Do we know what these electronic upgrades are, I presume no the ejector seat or multipolar cockpit lighting? Do you mean electronic warfare?

Implications on Cape area might be huge.

I will have to let you explain why :slightly_smiling_face:

Very misleading narrative regarding the South Africa :south_africa: election. On the surface it would appear that ANC suffered a huge loss slipping to 40% from 57% five years ago. But their splinter group MK has ended up with 15%. So, although their votes/support has split, it has not decreased. This is also unlined by the fact that support for DA and EFF has remained largely the same.


Sizable percentage of Cape residents (of all ethnicities) support independence from SA. Having a fractured coalition might only make the noises heard more

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